Monday, October 15, 2007

Holy Moley!

So, I was doing some laundry and Livie was playing on the floor right below the shelf above... When all of a sudden, KABOOM... the (brand new, FULL) laundry detergent fell off the shelf RIGHT next to Olivia. I just about had a heart attack. If it hit her she would probably be in the emergency room right now. That's 300 fl. oz. plus the fact that it's about 8 ft. high. I think I'll push it far back until I'm using it from now on.


Anonymous said...

Yikes that is scary! Unfortunately there will be many more of those close call moments! It does just about make you want to throw up though. I got sick thinking about it. Did it scare her?

nettie said...

YIKES is right! I still don't quite get how it fell, was it half-way of the shelf?

Sarah Peterson said...

It was totally on the shelf so I thought. I must of pulled it out a little too far when I was filling the cup with soap. Then, out of nowhere it just fell (obvioulsy due to gravity)

Karen K. said...

I'm horrified and don't even want to think about it. Makes my stomach churn. You might consider putting the detergent on top of your dryer (on a small towel to catch drips)... that'd be safer!

Valerie said...

Wow, that is really scary. It's hard not to play the "what if's" game when something like that happens. SCARY!


hhahhahah- I couldn't wait to read your mom's reaction- because i knew it would sound exactly like it did. As soon as I read it I thought- Karen is going to flip out. Well thankgoodness it didn't fall on her- you are very blessed. I love you-

Sarah Peterson said...

haha, Amy, I thought the same thing. I thought Ma is going to write a comment telling me to move it to a safer place. Ma- I'll just move it to the BACK of the shelf, until it's in use, then move it back again. Okay? I think the dryer could be MORE dangerous since it can shake and knock it over from the movement..

Jill said...

I would have needed a change of underwear after something like that. But Livie was being looked out for! Musta had an angel nearby...these things happen to me all the time. I'm surprised I've managed to keep poor
B alive for 2 years. Criminy.