Monday, June 25, 2007

Olivia's 7 Favorites

So, Olivia was upset when she realized that I put up my favorites and not hers! So, we are going to do her too!
1. Shaking the Booty
It is Liv's favorite to dance to the beat of a good song, or to just bop around!
Olivia is like a little puppy dog these days if she sees us eating ANYTHING she crawls over, climbs up the couch and begs for food. It's cute, but can get old!

3. Clapping
Clapping is Olivia's pass time. If theres nothing else to do, then clapping is AlWAYS fun!
4. Getting into Trouble
If there is anything that Olivia shouldn't get into, she does! She LOVES it when we come running after her saying "nooooooo!" She especially loves the dirt from the potted plant in the living room... Messy Messy!
5.Waking Up
There is no happier time in the day then when Liv wakes up from a nap. She always has the BIGGEST grin on her face (this too, is probably one of my top 7, but I forgot to write it!)
6. Fake Laughing
This is a newer obsession. All day long we hear "haha.. ha...ha"
7.Playing with Mom and Dad
Being thrown in the air and played with is some of Olvia's favorite times. She pretty much just loves our attention 24/7, which we don't mind too much ;)

Daddy Time from Sarisker on Vimeo

Olivia would like to make a shout out to her friend Connor, and her two little cousins Caroline and jillian. She would like to see there Fav. 7 too!


Karen K. said...

I love Livie's favorites! I can't wait to see her fake laugh and shake her booty and beg food and clap get the point I'm sure.

What a CUTE video! As always I will watch it over and over and over again.

Is she begging for fruit snacks from Emily or from you? What does she do when you don't share?


I love it when my nephew fake laughs, it is so funny. And he can do it for such a long time! Does it get old with you? Or is it always funny?

Sarah Peterson said...

Ma- those are Emma's fruit snacks, but I was eating them ;) ssshh don't tell! Liv's usually moans and jumps around until she gets something, and if she doesn't she just fusses. Usually she gets atleast a nibble though (although she didn't get any fruitsnacks!)
AMy- I don't think I even notice that she's doing her laugh AGAIN most of the time.It makes us laugh when she fake laughs at things that really are funny.
For example she's playing on the floor next to me right now chewing on a computer cord and saying "haha hahaha", but I didn't even notice it until I was typing about it again!

Anonymous said...

My seven favorites are listed on my blog for your enjoyment! I love fruit snacks! I try not to buy them for my kids because I will eat them all!!


Sarah, I know! I miss you too! Last night I had a dream about you- I think it's because we've been communicating lately- so anyway- we were roomates in college- and I dreamt that I was making a REALLY NICE chocolate cake, and I was saving it in the fridge, and you took it, put powdered sugar on it and ate it, and you didn't feel bad at all. And then I found out you dropped my pancakes on the floor, and you ate all my strawberries. I was so upset and you didnt' care at all, and you got all the roomates to not like me! haha. Anyway- I forgot how I made cookies so much even in Utah. Ha. That's funny. As you can see I haven't changed much, I still hardly shower, I still make chocolate chip cookies, and I eat treats for breakfast more than I eat real food for breakfast. Sarah it's so wierd that I don't know your baby. It's weird that I have never met her. You have a child! YOu are a mother, and I haven't been apart of any of it, that's so wierd! I'm so excited for when you visit next. I love you!