Friday, June 22, 2007

Day at the Pool

Livie sleeping after playing at the pool

We went and played at the local pool today... It's been very hot lately. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 103. That's just too hot for my liking! I prefer 80, and below! It was funny beccause it seemed like half of our ward was at the pool. Lots of stay at home mommy's that wanted to get out I guess! It made it fun! Livie really likes the water ;) Sorry I always forget to take my camera when we go swimming!


Karen K. said...

She looks so peaceful. I love her little tiny hand. So sweet and innocent!

nettie said...

103 is HOT! Another reason you should move to tx, we rarely, if ever, break 100*

Anonymous said...

103 is nothing...try 114. I agree with you Sarah. Give me a nice 80 degree day and I'm happy. I love the SF pool. It's so much nicer than Payson. Karen, I'm surprised you didn't ask if Livie had sunblock on. You are slipping! I only mention the sunblock because the bad mother I am I forgot it the first few days of swim lessons.

Anonymous said...

Don't think I didn't think it Tracey! I managed to keep my mouth shut for ONCE. I have to hold back a LOT...and have faith that Sarah will do the right thing. What I should have asked is Sarah, did you put sunblock on YOU? I think, however, that Sarah and I had a conversation about sunblock and she's pretty good about it. Anyone who knows me (well) knows that I'm very anti tanning and especially anti tanning bed!!! Particularly for us pale folk--no skin scarring for me. (Do I wish I had beautiful golden skin? Yes! But I don't. End of story.) Wow, can I go on and on or what. And, isn't nice Sarah to be talked about to someone else on your own blog? I love you!!!

Sarah Peterson said...

yes, we BOTH wore sunscreen- although I'll admit I didn't put it on my legs, they could use some color! (not that they got any in the pool under the water) Anyways, I used the spray on sunscreen and sprayed my own back. Now I have a really WEIRD sunburn because I guess I didn't get ALL of my back... you can imagine- splothcy red streaks- not cute! Oh-well! Trace, if we DIDN'T wear sunscreen we would have a blistering sunburn after about mmmm 10 minutes, not fun! I'll take my whiteness over a burn! Anywho- thanks for the fun comments!

Kristen P. said...

Has it really been that HOT there??? It's not even been that hot here. I think we've made it to 95 at the most this week. That's too hot for my liking but 103...that's just ridiculous!!!

Valerie said...

We went swimming for the first time of the summer on Friday and it was COLD!! 71 degrees. The kids lasted about 2 hours crazy kids. I didn't let Carrie get in the pool...I want her to actually like swimming! Yeah for Olivia LOVING swimming!


I'm so jealous of your stage in life- I wish I were a stay at home mommy. I know you are a wonderful mother. I love blogging! I love how we are all connected now! I love you! and you are so beautiful.

Mom and Dad Pete said...

Livie is all worn out from a big day of swimming. Sweet pose! I thought we would get some cooler weather here in Utah; but evidently it has been hotter than NV!