Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sick, AGAIN!?

Olivia may have caught something else yesterday, she's been upset and had a runny nose all day today. Poor girl- she is ALWAYS getting sick! Whenever she's finally starting to sleep better through the night she catches something! It's a curse! Is there ANY baby 'Cold-Eeze' or 'Air-borne' because Liv needs it!


nettie said...

is Olivia crawling yet?

Kristen P. said...

Poor Olivia! My only suggestion is be very aware of who Olivia is around. If they are coughing, sneezing, sniffing, etc., RUN as far away from them as possible. It's ok to be a paranoid Mom. And you might try washing your hands even more than you already do. Especially when you get home from somewhere. Wash Olivia's hands, too. You can also make sure she is getting foods with Vit C. It doesn't help once you are sick but it makes your immune system better able to fight these bugs. Just look at the nutrition labels on her food.

Alisha said...

is she possibly teething?

Sarah Peterson said...

she's teething too but she's got the nose running a mile a minute, sneezes, and puffy tired eyes (I'm pretty sure she's got something) Nettie- no, she's not crawling. She still HATES tummy time (the picture looks like she likes it, but 1 minute later she was crying ;)) I think she's close though, but who knows!

nettie said...

She might go straight from sitting up to crawling...some babies just don't like to be on their tummies.

Lindsay Marchant said...

Poor little girl! That doesn't sound fun for you and brett either. I hope she feels better soon!

Sarah Peterson said...

you mean sitting to walking? ;)

Karen K. said...

Kristen's right...wash your hands (and Olivia's) ALL the time. I keep hand sanitizer in my car for when I come out of the grocery store, WalMart, the mall, wherever. (Of course your WalMart doesn't have the same atmosphere as ours so you might not feel as 'dirty' as I do!)

You're immune to a lot of the germs you get on your hands from public places, but Olivia probably isn't because she hasn't encountered them at her young age. Let her deal with them when she's older! Good luck...