Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Our little 10 pounder

Today I had a doctors appointment, which went fine. I weighed Olivia while I was there. She's 10 whole pounds. CRAZY! She's grown almost double! Anyways, the picture is of the headband I made her today. It looks pretty cute...
Also today Olivia and I went out to lunch with our neighbors Natalie and 3 month old Hannah. We've decided they're going to be friends sice they're pretty much the same age. It was fun to get out, hopefully I can do it more!


Karen K. said...

Cute headband. Ummm, another picture (please) of the sweet girl--so we can actually see her beautiful sweet face! Preferably awake. I can't believe she's 10 pounds! That's three pounds since her two week checkup 4 weeks ago! (Am I calculating right?) That really is a cute headband. Thanks for the pic sweetie! ~"MA"

Kristen P. said...

I'm just curious. Did she lose a lot of weight after she was born? Most babies do. Sam did not but then again he never has missed one drop of a meal since he discovered food!

Olivia is so cute, Sarah! She really has grown so much. I can tell just from her pictures. Her face is starting to get fatter and fat on babies is cute! I can't wait to meet her in person. (Who knows when that will be though.)

Sarah Peterson said...

Olivia never lost ANY weight.. Olivia's a good eater too, she's growing faster then Hannah (the neighbor baby) I think she's pretty much the same size as her and she's a month and a half older! Well, you can see her in person at thanksgiving if you guys are going to Alisha and Jeff's for Thanksgiving... Is anyone else going there!?

Kristen P. said...

Unfortunately, we won't be going to Alisha's. My brother is getting married in a week 10/7 and that is pretty much our big outting this year. Especially, since we spent a week with you guys in UT already.:(