Thursday, September 14, 2006

Watermelon Baby

Olivia is wearing her Watermelon outfit that I got on e-bay long before she was born. I bought lots of silly things on e-bay for really cheap when I first found out she was a girl.


Valerie said...

She's getting bigger! It's so cute to see her filling out. Has she gone back to breastfeeding okay after your infection?

Sarah Peterson said...

she's back to breastfeeding... It wasn't easy, but we're doing it! That formula is EXPENSIVE! She went through about $60 worth in just her 2 weeks. We can't afford to not breastfeed(even if it does really hurt) I think it's all starting to get better now though!

Valerie said...

I'm SO glad!! I think that would've been such a hard thing to go through with my first baby! I admire you for sticking to it. (Just pumping would've gotten WAY old.)

BTW...breastfeeding does get a lot easier with subsequent kids. I'm not one of those le leche league people AT all, but I do think that it's economical and a neat bonding experience.