Friday, January 10, 2014

Ashers Stats

Asher had his 4 month check up today. His stats are as follows:

Weight:12 lbs (0.49%)
Length:24.5 inches (8%)
Head circumference: 16.5 inches (39%)
It is a bit concerning that he is not gaining much weight. He eats every 2 hours and I seem to have enough milk supply breast feeding him. He has even been waking up every 2 hours to eat in the night. We are going to start doing some formula bottles and rice cereal too to see if his weight will go up! Hopefully he is well and he just has a fast metabolism! Maybe he just hasn't been getting enough to eat and that is why he wakes up so much at night and is fussy a lot. Who knows! 


Karen K. said...

He needs his Gramma K. He is just pining away... ;)

Emily D said...

Oh our skinny boys!! I just don't know what to do about them! Good luck with the formula; I'm considering starting Cohen off supplementing about a bottle a day of formula just to see if he will chub up better than my other two.

Alisha said...

so tiny!