Friday, November 08, 2013

Halloween 2013

 we had a bumble bee... Because we always have one since we have the costume!
 A basket ball player... because it was the only thing I could find in the closet last minute.
 A mermaid and Snow white

 close up of her fish scales
and this is Claires original costume, a mermaid (minus the crown). I made Liv and Claire mermaid dresses this year because the cost of buying them was ridiculous. They were $20-$30 per costume at Wal- Mart.. Anyway- they didn't really turn out all that great and took way too much time. They look so home-made... but alas, I only spent $10 for them and that was so much cheaper!! Claire decided last minute she wanted to be snow white... I said "well then, if your going to be Snow White we will make you the best Snow White there is!" and we just let the mermaid costume be used for dress-up.

Halloween was really fun this year. It was pretty cold out but not rainy or snowy! We had a neighbor hood pot-luck in our cul-de-sac. We have some great neighbors. Then we went trick-or-treating with some of the neighbors. The girls LOVED it! Emma just loved stuffing her face with candy any time she could! At one point all the kids thought it would be fun to sing Christmas songs. So there they were yelling "Jingle Bells...." The best part was when a group of kids across the street joined in. LOL. It was so silly and random. I let the girls pick out 10 of their favorite candies to keep. Brett thought I was crazy and said "We're going to be THOSE parents!?" Yes. Yes, we are! They really didn't mind too much. I don't think they know that other kids get to keep it all. Plus, what is a parent to do with out any candy for themselves!? 


Karen K. said...

I can just hear Brett saying that. :) (And, Brett, you were THOSE parents last year, too, when I was there--have you forgotten so quickly? You're not getting old are you???)

How did you do Olivia's mermaid scales? They look GREAT! I thought all the costumes were cute. I laughed at Emma's 'pose' in the last picture with mermaid Claire. I don't know if it was intentional or not but it certainly looks like her typical camera pose. (Claire's mermaid pic expression was priceless. Love it!) Anyway, the kids looked cute and I wish I could have tagged along again.

Emily D said...

Cute! Sounds like a really fun Halloween night! Our kids didn't get to keep any of their candy, so your girls are lucky! Although, I'm not sure what we will do when they get older. I like your solution to only choose 10 of your favorites. I think Ma and PA were crazy to let us have ALL that candy to ourselves! No wonder we had cavities! lol.

Karen K. said...

Excuse me, but I did NOT let you have all your candy! What are you thinking??? Well, perhaps when you got older, but not when you were younger. ...did I?

Sarah Peterson said...

From all my memories we kept all our candy... But I don't know about when we were really little.