Monday, November 11, 2013

A little about Emma

Emma loves her "me-me" (blank-y)


 She would like to still be the baby and enjoys being treated like one! She has me rock her in my arms and sing her songs each night. Some favorites are "Ne-No" (Twinkle Twinkle little star). Popcorn Popping and Sun-Beam
 She gets into more trouble then you could ever imagine. She is SOOO busy. I try to create things for her to do, but there is a lot of hours in the day to fill! Today she ate the brownies. That pan was 100% full... until Emma found it while I was nursing Asher.

 She loves to climb and push chairs to where ever and what ever she would like to get to. She would rather sit ON the table then on her chair. I really need to do some more serious child-proofing to the house. Her latest love is markers. (pictured below) She climbs the chair to get to them. She colors on wall, and furniture and books. Some times paper.
Emma is by far my busiest and craziest of all my girls. She is fierce! She is not timid and shy. I love her little personality and I love that it is so opposite of my own. She makes our days fun and always keeps me on my toes. I always know if there is quiet I have to find Emma... 99% of the time I can't see her, she is into something she shouldn't be! I love it and hate it at the same time. It makes me laugh, and it makes me cry. I have probably already posted about her mischief, but since it is such a HUGE part of our lives right now, I figured we needed more pictures and proof of it ;) Because hopefully she will grow out of it soon! haha

A random story- I always cut our bananas open with a butter knife. Emma took note. As soon as I was away she climbed the chair, took out a butter knife and stabbed all of our bananas. It made me laugh, and then I was mad because our bananas were ruined!


Karen K. said...


Karen K. said...

(Loved the swaddled 2 year old and the brownie pan--I think you need to chain your chairs to the floor!)

Egghead said...

Haha the banana story left me giggling. Funny girl.