Friday, November 08, 2013

Asher's Stats

Claire changes Ashers diaper quite frequently. She is such a little mother. Not in a bossy way .Claire is just very nurturing. She sympathies with her siblings when they are hurt, she wants to help with chores, she loves to cook with me, and she loves to try to soothe Asher when he cries. Nothing makes her more proud then when she gets Asher to stop crying by holding him or putting his binky in. She is such a sweet heart.

Here are his latest Growth measurement:
2 months
Weight: 10.96 lbs (12th %)
Height:23 inches (35%)
Head circumference:15.5 inches (47%)
Asher is a sweet little buddy. He still loves his binky. He sleeps at night pretty well, but has a hard time with naps during the day. He LOVES to be held by his mama and gets very upset when he is handed over to his Daddy. That is depending on his mood. If he is just fed and happy he is ok with Dad, but most of the time Asher is in a state of fussiness. He is usually either hungry, poopy, or wanting Mom to rock him to sleep. He is growing less fond of his car seat and the Ergo baby carrier every day. Only my arms will do apparently. He also has a quick temper. If i do not answer his sweet cry with in a few minutes it quickly changes to screaming. He just sounds SO mad! He is starting to smile often and it melts my heart. I LOVE baby smiles. We haven't heard him laugh yet. He has found his voice in the last week and has been talking up a storm. It is so darned cute! And have I mentioned how much he poops? EVERY 2 hours. It is ridiculous. Fastest metabolism around! Maybe that is why he is so small! Oh- and he can roll from his tummy to his back. Not ALL the time, but about 75% of the time. He has been doing it since he was 5 weeks. Really weird... the girls didn't roll until 6 months!


Karen K. said...

I love that you told that info about Claire. I wonder how many kids she'll have! She looks so sweet putting his onesie back on.

I'm sorry Asher is so fussy. I hate to say it, but that's how Jeff was too. Hmmmmm...hopefully you and Asher will get along better than you and Jeff did!

Do thinner/smaller babies roll faster? I wonder why he is rolling so quickly. Hopefully he will be less fussy and want to be with Daddy more soon. The picture you posted reminds me of Emma. Anymore he is beginning to remind me of all of the girls as babies!

Emily D said...

Is he your smallest baby? Maybe boys just run small in our family. I hope he stops fussing so much and I hope he and Claire continue to develop a close relationship! So sweet.

Sarah Peterson said...

I looked up Emma's 2 month stats. She was 11 lbs 8 oz (55%). Not a whole lot bigger then Asher. I think boys in general are supposed to be bigger then girls. Maybe that is why they are in the lower percentiles.