Friday, July 20, 2012

Trip to Oregon

 We made our way to Oregon for a week. The time spent in Oregon was fabulous, but the drive there was less then desirable. We had new binders full or art supplies, new stickers, new coloring books, etc. We also had about 9 new movies to watch. Along with snacks and treats. Emma even had her own bag full of toys and snacks just for her. We were prepared. None the less there was lots and lots of crying. At the very end on our way home every one had lost it. It was 11pm and we were all so tired and crabby. Even Brett was losing it. I was threatening curse words. It was not pretty. But we made it! I'm sure we would do it again, the time spent away from the mundane was soo nice. I loved not thinking about what to cook for lunch or dinner. It was pure bliss to not think about it! Plus the girls were entertained almost all the time and they were never asking me to go or do anything! It was a much needed vacation!
Our itenaerary was this:
To Eugene: 14 hours
From Eugene to Walowa: 9 hours
From Walowa to Highland: 12 hours


Francisco J. Darquea said...

I was so good to see you guys. Luke misses Claire : ( and doesn't know what to do with himself!
Glad you made it in safety!

Scott said...

What a trip! Glad you made it there and back safely. We miss you guys, and Grace really misses Olivia and Claire!

Alisha said...

oh dear. driving is nooooo fun with little ones.