Sunday, July 08, 2012

Lets be honest

We were so excited for summer. Made a 'Summer bucket list' and everything.
We have been busy crossing things off our list.
 Picking strawberries from the yard and making a strawberry pie, trying out snow cones sold from the side of the road, going to the splash pad, swimming, etc.

Slowly I have found myself going CRAZY though. It feels as if I am yelling and trying to calm myself more then I am enjoying myself.

3 children, all home, all day, all 3 want attention and they fight for it! I miss Olivia in school. I miss a schedule. Emma is getting too big. I miss my newborn baby.And, you have probably missed my blog ;) It is suffering from this madness!

I can't complain too much though. The girls really are good girls. They are sweet and cooperative. It's just been hard adjusting to 3 in the summer.


Karen K. said...

You need a BREAK. We'll do the best we can to give you one while you're here. Just relinquish the authority... You have such good girls--that's probably why you're going crazy cuz you work so hard at it. I love you. You are a good mom. Remember that prayer we talked about? ...or did we?

Karen K. said...

Did all those strawberries come from YOUR strawberry patch?

Jill said...

Amen, only mine are 3 boys and my baby is not a newborn baby any longer. :( I can't wait until school starts again and we can get on a good routine again!

Jill said...

p.s. Can't believe how big Claire looks all of the sudden! :) And little miss Emma is a doll.

Dawn said...

Yes, summer is always a little nuts whoever you are and however many little ones you have. Your girls are absolutely adorable though. Can't wait to see them! and You too!! Try and enjoy the drive. I know it's long, but it's beautiful :-)

Sblogger said...

I hear ya Sarah! I want to love love love summer with ALL my heart. With most of my heart I do, but I guess I do love the routine that school brings for me and the kids. Good luck Sarah. If you ever need to do a little switcheroo when you're going crazy, let me know!

Emily D said...

It's true. Growing up you never really think about how hard summer is for the mom! I think that's why we always watched so much TV in the summer time!

Alisha said...

those strawberries look delish!!
ive been losing my patience way too much lately too. no good.