Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We have been busy...

spreading Christmas cheer... neighbor gifts this year

receiving secret elf gifts on our door step! The girls were SO excited and were yelling "THANK YOU SECRET ELFS!" out the door
wathcing movies on moms new smart phone! I got it for free, and it actually saves us money on our monthly phone bill... sweet! The only problem is that now that I have access to e-mail, FB, and blog reading on my phone I don't come down to the big computer to post blogs.... I will have to do better!
changing baby buns. This was the craziest blow out I had seen in awhile...

leaving out cookies and carrots for santa and the reindeer. Liv wrote a note to Santa telling him where the potty was just in case he needed one! She even drew a picture of the toilet!

Christmas morning. Claire has a LOT of new babies and is in LOVE with them! She got one a few weeks ago when she went shopping at the store and used her binkies to pay for a new baby. She was having lots of anxiety about her birthday and cutting binkies on her b-day. So she decided she would rather use her binkies to buy a new baby doll. She has done great! We have been binky free for 3 weeks now! As for the other babies- she got "lala lucy" from Santa and the other baby from the secret elf.


Alisha said...

good for claire!! way to go. hope you had a great holiday!

Karen K. said...

Very pretty cookies. Did they taste as good as they look?

What did the secret elves bring? The blankets they had on? Anything else? Did they come just once? HOW FUN!

That is a MAJOR blowout for Emma. Clear up to the armpit. It brought back memories for sure.

I love how Olivia directed Santa to the potty. That shows she is a very caring little girl. I wish you still had the note!

The pic with Claire and all her dolls cracks me up. She looks so tall. Why are her toes pointed? I can't believe she is getting so big. Good for her being binky-less! Have you taken Emma's away yet?

Sblogger said...

Wow! You have been busy! I'm glad you've had a fun holiday season.

Jamie said...

The cookies were so good! Chase and I gobbled them down. Christmas is the best!

And I love Liv's letter to Santa!