Thursday, December 01, 2011

I love 5 year olds

Olivia says the funnies things, and she is learning how to read and write, and it's so so cute! I love reading random things she has tried to write. She also says and does the cutest things. Just this morning here are some of the things she said:

I was telling her that only a few years ago Claire was the baby and she was Claires age. She says "So, where was Emma?" I told her she was in heaven waiting to come down. She replies "Oh, I bet she was doing tummy time in the clouds watching us!" It made me laugh, thinking of Emma lying in a cloud doing tummy time!

We have a heater in Emma's room. It has a little red light on it. Olivia asks "What is that little red light?" I told her it meant the heater was plugged in. She sighs with relief and says "Oh, I thought it was an eye-watcher!" She thinks that things are watching her, or maybe recording her and calls them "eye-watchers" haha, she is just like me! I always think I'm being watched in secret!

This morning the girls were standing on their chairs singing "You better watch out, you better not cry.... santa clause is coming to town!" They thought if they sang as loud as possible that santa would come in his sleigh. Emma loved it and kept squealing with them. It was so cute.

These were things that just went on in the past few hours. I should be better about writing them down. I love my girls. They are so fun!


Karen K. said...

Those are funny. You should write them down all the time. I think they make for great blogging. Hmmmm, I think Olivia must be related to you who is related to me...I totally relate to eye watchers! ;) ;)

Sblogger said...

I love 5 year olds too! :)

Natalie said...

cute stories. after the new year we need to get together again. we need to get our 5 year olds, 3 year olds (almost for you) and babies together!