Saturday, June 11, 2011

How I make my pictures larger

I have been asked now by a few fellow blog readers how I get my pictures bigger. I have never spent the time to explain it though, so I thought I would do a quick blog about it. I do not know if my techniques are wise, so do it at your own risk. For all I know I'm changing code that shouldn't be messed with...

Step 1: After you have uploaded your pictures to blogger, look at the 2 tabs on the upper right hand part of your screen (this is all when you are making a blog) there is a tab named "Edit Html" and a tab named "compose". Click on "Edit Html"

Step 2:

a onblur= "try {parent deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} cat ch(e) {}" href=" jpg">width: 267px; height: 400px;" src=" W8w/TfPVI7ihwOI/AAAAAAAADBA/uSGxiO5gjVY/s400/claire%2Btree.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5617067509659320546" border="0" />

This is what you will see for each photo uploaded to blogger- a bunch of code. For each photo you need to find the 2 parts I highlighted in red. The first part "width and height" of the photo, I highlight it and delete all of it. The second part where it says "s400" I change the 4 to an 8. So, it reads "/s800/"

Step 3:
Go back to composing your blog. Your picture should be 2 times bigger. I don't know why or how, but that it how I do it!


Karen K. said...

I want to know how you get borders on them...

Sarah Peterson said...

I think that is just whatever template I chose

Sarah Peterson said...

oh, I did forget to mention that I did change all the margins on my main blog to fit the larger pictures. I had Brett help, so don't even ask how it is done. I couldn't help you ;)

Jennifer Lomenick said...

There is also an update on the blog that allows you to click your pictures at different sizes (small, medium, larger or extra large). You don't have to worry about all the codes that you have mentioned. Let me know if you are interested!

Karen K. said...

I use the 'Extra Large' on my blog, but clicking Extra large still isn't as large as Sarah's photos are. I really like the bigger pictures. It drives me nuts when I can't see people's photos--particularly when I click on them and they don't get larger or they go to a new screen as the same size. Aaagh!

Amanda D said...

Thanks for your information! I make mine at 500 other wise they are too big for my template on my blog but I love it and I want to change all my photo's now!