Thursday, February 24, 2011

Claire wants to go!

This is little bear bear this morning. She wants so badly to potty train. She rips her clothes off frequently and goes to sit on her potty all by herself. Sadly she doesn't ever get anything out, but she loves it! I am really contemplating letting her try for 3 days. But if she doesn't get it fast... then its OVER! After what we went through with this girl...

Yes, Olivia, you were a PAIN to potty train! Thanks for letting me learn all the mistakes the hard way though!


Alisha said...

what a CUTE picture!

that's how jill acted. she potty trained early but had many a accidents.

Karen K. said...

That was a great post! I laughed when I saw Claire and then when I read your comments about Claire and then when I got to Olivia's face, I really laughed! Perfect ending to your story! I had to go back to your blog on Feb 2, 09 and rewatch Olivia's potty training video. You did such a good job on it and it was still as funny as I remember it. "Potty. Toiwet. Livie!" Thanks for the update. I put Liv's pic on my desktop to welcome Marge to work tomorrow. HA HA!

Dave & Melissa said...

CUTE pictures! Yes, potty training.... UGH! I hate it! I'm so not looking forward to potty training my Sarah. Maybe I'll send her to my Mom's house for a week and let her deal with it for me. LOL

Jill said...

Take advantage of it! Byron was a pain in the rear, but Ayden was thrilled about using the potty! Accidents still happened, but it was lovely having a barely-two year old trained (especially because Byron had been 3 for a month before he finally gave in and started using the potty)!!!

Karen K. said...

Marge suggested Claire could go potty at the same time as Olivia. I wondered if Olivia would want to "help" by telling Claire she's going potty and then perhaps Claire would want to do it too? It might make Olivia feel important. I don't know how do-able it is but you might try it?

Dawn said...

Ha ha!! LOVE those pictures. Those girls crack me up. Good luck on your 3 day trial.

Karen K. said...

BTW, tell Olivia that Gramma K. LOVED the funny picture of her. :) (Will that encourage her though...?)