Wednesday, February 09, 2011

A sad day

The story starts with my friend Rocio. I worked with her at a salon a few years back. We get together from time to time to catch up and do hair trades. She has 3 little girls- so it is also fun for our girls to play together. Anyway- a few months back I cut her hair into a pixie (really short). Rocio is gorgeous, so with her new hair cut it makes everyone want a pixie cut!
A few weeks ago Olivia had a church project that involved cutting. I got out her special scissors and let her cut. Well, I had to use the restroom. I left the room for about 3 minutes and heard giggling coming from the kitchen. I walked out into the kitchen to find Olivia with scissors to her head and Claire laughing hysterically at her. I was in shock.
I walked over to Liv and started crying. Then I was sobbing and too scared to take a close look at what she had done. Olivia kept saying "it's okay mom, I will eat lots of food and it will grow back!" Finally I said "Olivia, WHY would you cut your hair!?" She replied "I wanted to be beautiful like Rocio!"
So, in the end I fixed her hair and I was so happy that she didn't butcher it too bad. She lost about 3 inches from the front. It really isn't too bad considering what it could have been ;) And yes, she is happy with it. She thinks it is beautiful.

a few days before the incident..

the damage Olivia did before I fixed it

The after pictures..


Kristen P. said...

Oh, No!!! This is a fear I have. I keep scissors where children cannot reach even if they try. Sam had to learn to cut at preschool because I don't let him use scissors. At least she didn't cry, too.

Natalie said...

Well... it turned out really cute! She does look happy!

Karen K. said...

I know how careful you are with the scissors. Little dickens--took advantage the minute she had a chance! It's crazy that she cut her hair when she's wanted it long for such a long time! I must admit, I was scared to scroll down and see what damage she did. She does look cute (it's good she has curls I think). I do miss her 'longer' hair though. Silly little girl. You told that story well. :)

Betty said...

She looks cute! She's lucky her mom knows how to cut hair.

Jennifer Lomenick said...

I am sorry. I got nervous when you said a sad day. I thought it was worse than a haircut (not that that wasn't worse). I am glad you could fix it before taking her out. She does look cute with the curls and short. Sorry.

Blair and Leslie said...

Your mom told me about this. I have been waiting for you to post pictures. That is so sad. She does look cute though after you fixed it.

Blevins family of three said...

So sad, but her hair looks cute and the nice thing with hair is that is will always grow back! I am dreading the day Hannah cuts her own hair! Just be thankful you can easily fix it, since you know what your doing!

Sblogger said...

Oh it looks so cute! Good job fixing it!

Dawn said...

Ok, I'm sorry, but it kind of made me giggle. Lex cut her hair 3 times, butchering it into a mullet each time before she learned that only "Tina" (her hair stylist) may cut her hair.

She looks super cute (nice work) and it could have been much worse. Hopefully there won't be a next time but don't count on it, especially with a mama that cuts hair :-)

Dave & Melissa said...

Oh, how sad! Hey, maybe it will grow back faster this time. Ellie didn't have much hair for the longest time, but when I started getting it cut it grew faster. Maybe it's not related, I don't know. Her hair looks so cute now, though! Good job!

Rory and Tosha Sargent said...

every mom fears that, but you pulled it off!

Karen K. said...

I love you and I love this post but seriously, it's time for a new one. I'm going through grandma withdrawal!