Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Keeping Warm

As I remember back to last winter there is only 1 thing that I remember clearly. That is COLD feet! I bought my very first pair of boots 2 years ago to try and keep snow out of my shoes. Well- sadly they were not well insulated and not water proof. I ended up with freezing feet.
This year I made it some what of a goal to get WARM boots to keep snow OUT and hopefully keep my toes warm. This has proved to be VERY difficult! Most boots are made for fashion, not warmth. Then there are boots made for warmth, not fashion. So to find ones that were both was difficult. I ended up compromising. I got 2 pairs for less then $50 (also, most boots were VERY VERY pricey!) I think what I have should hopefully keep my feet a little warmer. The ones are leather (water-proof) and insulated and they have heels so I can wear them with dresses. The others were not exactly the cutest, but they were only $10- so I had to get them! They are very cozy and warm. I will have to try and water proof them though.
The girls have always had boots every year. Little legs get buried in snow FAST so you really have to have good boots on little people.
End of the story- now that I am a Utah resident of 8 years I think maybe I am on track to keeping my feet warm and snow free. About time huh? Can you believe I have lived here 8 years? That just blows my mind!


Karen K. said...

I love that picture with all its labels. All the boots are cute. Dad really liked Olivia's. And Yes, boots that are warm AND cute are difficult to find. I don't have any... I hope you all stay warm this winter.


holy cow when you said 8 years that really weirded me out! I can't believe that! That's so weird to be able to say you have lived there that long. crazy. I LOVE THE BOOTS PICTURE, soooooo cute. I hope i have all girls, it looks so cute and fun. and all the boots are so cute! love them!

Karen K. said...

All the girl boots DO look cute but maybe next picture there will be a tiny little pair of BOY boots? Now really, how cute would THAT be? ;)


what is your mom talking about? are you pregnant?

Lora said...

alright spill the beans...where did you buy Olivia's boots they are DARLING!!

8 years wow-that's pretty big!

ps-yes do tell are you expecting? -not that it's any of our business =)

Karen K. said...

Oh no! I didn't mean to start anything. I was just reacting to Amy's comment about having all girls which caused me to think about adding a boy to the Peterson picture which led to the idea of adding boots to the picture... I was not implying a pregnancy at all! :)

Sarah Peterson said...

oh no no no- I am not expecting. Although lately I've been thinking a lot about babies ;) I am not one to keep a secret real well!

Dawn said...

I wish you all very warm feet in your cute, inexpensive, waterproof boots! Reminds me, I should check and see if my kids snowboots still fit them, although, they must, lex wore them intermittently ALL summer long.

Natalie said...

Ok... now you have to tell your secrets! Where did you find all these cute boots?! I love, love Olivia's and have been looking for some for Hannah. Can I get in on the secret?! And two boots for under $50 is awesome! Boots are expensive. Love yours with heels.