Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well-I don't usually just blab about random thoughts, but sometimes I do- and since the last video was a little on the boring side I'll give you some things to think about!
First of all- I have a lot of nightmares. My friend told me that they did a study on it and that people that sleep on their backs have more nightmares then people that don't. Over the past year or so I've been testing the theory. I concur. If I sleep on my back I always have creepy dreams. Like last night. I had dreams that people were trying to turn me into a zombie by injecting me with something and making me drink a special juice. Don't worry- I got away. ;) Anyway- I try my best to sleep on my side or belly but I LOVE to sleep on my back. So it stinks. If anyone else has bad dreams regularly- you should test the theory!
Yesterday we went back to our old neighborhood to visit our old friends/neighbors. Our old house has actually been sold AGAIN! Crazy! Anyway- we miss our neighbors SOOO much. I am glad Livie was 2 when we left because she would have been depressed for weeks if she really understood what we were moving away from. We had the best friends/neighbors any one could ask for. Liv absolutely loves the girls that used to be next door. There are 3 all about her age. They are all so much like Livie with active imaginations and sweet as can be. She gets along very well and they have a blast when they play together. Plus- Liv has two baby friends just born months of her. It is just sad. It makes me want to cry. Not to mention- I loved the mothers of the neighborhood and the ward. The mothers were the best of the best. Loving, patient, always thinking of others. They were perfect examples to me and so christ-like. I very much miss it! I do not miss the house so much. I also do not miss driving forever just to go anywhere (although it did save me a little more money!) So- mostly we just miss our friends. I guess it's not so bad. We are only 45 minutes away. Oh- I almost forgot to mention. Liv cried for a good 10 minutes when we left. She says they are her BEST friends!
On to other business.... I'm not sure I have much else to say. I got teeth impressions for a new night gaurd. I grind my teeth like crazy at night (probably from the night mares!) I've noticed both Liv and Claire grind their teeth too! Interesting. It makes my teeth really sensitive. We have no dental insurance so it was $250 to get it. Spendy. We are thinking of getting rid of ALL our health insurance. Our premiums went up over $100. It just seems like a waste of money for how much of it we use. We could build up our own health emergency fund quite easily with how much we pay. It's ridiculous. Any thoughts? (we pay $700 a month for health insurance- doesn't include eyes, dental, maternity or any other specialists)


Dawn said...

I was just thinking about that insurance thing and excluding home insurance we are paying estimated $6500 per year in life, car, health, dental, etc. That's $515 per month and in 10 years that's $65,000 and from what I have heard if you put in a claim on your car, they just raise your insurance anyway. I would love to hear others input as well, what insurance is worth having. I know some insurance is obviously required but that's a lot of (just in case money that could be spent to pay off debt.......

Egghead said...

Honestly speaking from experience just one serious or semi serious illness, accident, etc. will wipe you out financially if you don't have health insurance. It is ridiculous but thank God Kyla had it. I don't know what we would have done. We paid out of pocket anyway for lots of things like deductibles on not only insurance but pharmacy (1000 per year on both) plus all the San Francisco trips and such. But it would have been so much more and completely would have bankrupted her as well as us. It is sad but very scary that our lives are so dependent on what "might" happen that we have to be fearful all the time. But just consider just breaking an arm and the cost of the emergency room. It probably would wipe out any medical savings in one swoop. Sorry for the book but it is very scary to me.

Sarah Peterson said...

Vonda- that was my take on the whole idea BEFORE Obama's health care plan. It seems now that he will make it so anyone can get insurance no matter your health background... so I'm thinking that if we ended up getting something that we needed insurance for it seems as though it may be easy to get. Also- when we went to insta care awhile back we actually ended up paying more our of pocket then we would have if we had no insurance. They seem to have a lot of discounts for people with no insurance.
Thanks for the input- I think we will have to research a lot!

nettie said...

when we lived in houston, jeff worked for small firm, so our insurance premium would have been $1500/mo to add a family (jeff was free). We decided to find our own insurance and for me and morgan we paid about $120/mo. It didn't cover pregnancy, but it was way cheap, our deductible was reasonable, and for most of the well check-ups you don't have to reach your deductible.

do you get insurance through brett's work? do they take it out pretax? I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure it should come out pretax, and that saves you $$.

I would be afraid to not have insurance. some places won't take you at all without insurance. Also, those insta-clinics always charge more than an er. I don't know why, but I assume it's because they won't make up what the insurance co won't pay.

i'm not really up to date on the whole health care plan, but I wouldn't trust that if I got cancer and then decided to get insurance that they would pick me up and pay for it. I think they'd find some loop hole and you'd be financially responsible.

I don't should look into higher deductible plans. then just make sure you can pay that high deductible.

Sarah Peterson said...

good point Nettie- we don't have insurance through Bretts work- we got it on our own. I think it is Brett that makes it so high ;) His ankle and knee problems apparently make us pay a lot more (I think) Anyway- I doubt we will get rid of it, it was just a thought. We will probably end up looking again for something cheaper. This insurance doesn't cover hardly anything- it doesn't cover maternity either.

Alisha said...

we have been without insurance for a long time. i have looked at independent but haven't found one that i like yet. for sure i'll get a major medical. meaning that it doesn't cover much of anything unless we are admitted into the hospital for anything other than materity. it is a little nerve racking not to have it. however, we are never sick. side note: i paid for independent insurance with camilleand paid way more than i would have had i not had any insurance. in-fact i am still paying her off and she is now two.
i will say that 700 is WAY too much for monthly and then have a co-pay/deductible/etc. that's crazy.

Karen K. said...

I wish you had all your former neighbors close to you. Poor Olivia--she's getting so grown up and starting to "feel" more. :( And the nightmares? I have no idea if I have more when I sleep on my back. I just know I have more if I take Lunesta (remember the ad with Abe Lincoln and the groundhog 'Your dreams miss you'). Yeah, you'll dream all right. Maybe the night guard will help in some way. You can fend off the zombie'ers with it or something. About the insurance, I'm with Vonda. You never know what's going to happen. We didn't have health insurance when you were young and it just freaked me out. I remember one doctor telling me I'd "paid enough" for an ear infection (I think it was our third visit). Anyway, I think you should look into some kind of major medical if nothing else. Good luck! I love you.


Insurance is a toughy. The thing is, you just don't know what will happen when. Who would have ever guessed I would have gotten cancer. THE ONLY reason we were able to get grants for my cancer is because we were so poor! Had we been in your position, with a real income, we wouldn't have gotten a dime. So- if you're poor (which i don't get the impression you are :) then yeah, you might as well save your money, because there are programs out there for poor people, but if you make money, then NO program will help you. It was actually a huge blessing that Mike and I were at the stage we were- otherwise we wouldnt' have gotten any coverage and woudl have had to pay it out of pocket and be one of those people that has medical bills for life. My chemo was half a million dollars- and that is JUST the chemo., My surgery was 6,000 my hospital stay was 50,000, that doesn't even include doctor appointments! OR PET SCANS! Scans are 3-6 thousand dollars- I ahve to get those every few months- so if you make money- I woudl have insurance, because otherwise- no program will help you- and you will go bankrupt. Insurance sucks, and it sucks worse now that obama is president, it's just one of those crappy things we have to do. I'm so sorry you aren't close to your friends. It is so awful to loose good friends who you love so much, especially neighbor friends. I'm so sorry- hopefully you will be able to form some new relationships that you love. I don't get nightmares- only every once in awhile. My sister has nightmares every night too- I'll ask her if she sleeps on herh back. I'm so sorry you have nightmares so much, that would make me never want to go to sleep- I'm so sorry! love you-

Karen K. said...

So, last night I woke up from a nightmare. I was walking (with someone else) from a convenience store (or some type of place it was kind of remote and desert-y) to my trusty Honda Accord parked at least a block away. It was a big open dusty unpaved area with cars parked randomly around it (sort of like parking at the fairgrounds or other big events). My car was parked next to one other. As we were walking I noticed some guy behind us pull out a gun. Then I saw another guy at the cars to the left of us with a gun. They obviously had issues with each other. Neither one had any intention of shooting my companion and I--in fact, I knew we needed to get to our car and fast. But then, all of a sudden, it seemed that bunches of guys appeared--all with guns--and of course there was one who just happened to materialize right next to my car and he got out a gun too! He knelt down and aimed right at me! Again, he wasn't shooting at me, but was aiming at someone behind me. I ducked, got nicked by the bullet but my companion got hit in the side! What a nightmare! Guess which position I was sleeping in? Yep. I woke up flat on my back.

Francisco J. Darquea said...

As for the scary dreams, I've found that when I have them, I absolutely refuse to retell them the next day. If I don't say, I don't remember it. and that helps me to cope with them. I know that I have scary dreams, but I don't remember them, so it's not so bad.
I'll have to test the sleep positions... I've never noticed.
Good luck with finding new insurance!

Lora said...

Tough call on the insurance. I think you are definitely pay too much especially since there is so much NOT covered. Elleah had a huge accident last year the ambulance alone was 2,000 big ones. After it all added up we payed what the insurance didn't (which was quite a lot actually) we figured that we would have been much better to just save the money for emergencies. I know people say there are lots of cases where people are kicked to the curb because they don't have insurance, i just don't know of anyone personally-and I know quite a few people =. I would suggest looking for a lot better insurance first and then making a plan of "what if". I look at how much we paid last year and wowy we could pay for an awfully big accident!
good luck!

i'm a side sleeper and ALWAYS have really bad dreams-I should try my stomach!

Karen K. said...

Sorry about the play-by-play on my dream (above). I have to add, however, last night I slept on my side and each time I woke up (twice) I didn't remember any dreams, let alone nightmares. Will have to continue testing. ;)

Natalie said...

Sarah, Sarah! You are so cute. We sure miss you too! And LOVED having you over last week. We really need to do it more often. You are a wonderful mother and such a great example to me too.

We got IHC Health insurance and pay $400ish a month. But the copay is $25. Still better than the $700 we were paying previously. And of course no maternity, eye, dental, etc. I really hate paying for health insurance when I don't feel like we use it very often, but on the church website it STRONGLY recommends having it... so, just in case... we still have it!

lindsaymarchant said...

Don't get rid of it all together! Maybe get catastrophic (I think that is what it is called) coverage in case of something like Cancer or a car accident or something. Then the rest you could pay out of pocket if you think you would rather. You just need something in case of something really bad. Who are you going through? When we didn't have insurance through David's work, we went through Blue Cross Blue Shield and It was $121 for me and like $97 for David. When Connor was born they had a plan where I could add him to my plan and it was $147 for both of us. So, with 3 of us, it was just under $250 a month. David had a high deductible ($2500), but Connor and I had a deductible of only $500 and it covered Maternity. Does Utah have Blue Cross Blue Shield (I don't know). I guess that is why I think people should be able to get insurance in companies across state lines if they can find a more affordable plan. Good luck!

Sarah Peterson said...

yeah we have blue cross blue shield. I really don't know why it costs so much.

jnnut said...

I would get insurance b/c you have a family and you never know what 911 situation you'll be in. I know you're a great parent and you do a great job of watching your kids, but someone else can cause the emergency and or get you sick. The bills for medical care nowadays is outrageous and can cost more than your own house.
Hopefully you'll find one that is not so costly.
As for Obama's healthcare plan, I wouldn't trust him or expect anything good out of it. I can only see healthcare going down the drain if you're on a gov't plan. He has no idea what he's messing with! Makes me so mad! arrrrgh.

be you blithe and bonny said...

I am really no help with the insurance question - like we, we seldom use what we have covered, but I'd hate to not have it, just in case, etc.

However, our neighborhood/ward and moms, MISS YOU! Next time you are down, please stop by to say hello miss Sarah! :)