Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Pictures

Here is a post to make sure I'm 'keep'n' it real'! Yesterday I was painting our walls a lovely blue. The girls were playing in the yard, getting sandy and probably causing trouble. Liv ran inside crying. She fell and scraped her leg. I went to tend to her- bandaging, snuggling, you know the drill. All the while little Claire came inside... to the paint. She took the roller and decided to paint the floor. I am seriously grateful that we have wood floors. She didn't get too far before I caught her. I thought about taking a picture... but wait... there is another story about that!
Liv likes to play in water. She always seems to manage to get something wet that shouldn't be wet. Like her sissys head, or electronics. One of the things she decided to "wash" for me was my camera battery charger. We can no longer charge the battery. I had to order a new one. It should be here soon. I can't wait to start taking pictures again!
So- that is the latest trouble these two are getting into. I could list so many more mischevious doings, but I don't want to ruin their sweet reputation ;)


Danielle said...

Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you don't have carpet! I can't wait to see the blue paint- sounds wonderful! I was soooo scared you were going to say she washed your camera. That would be horrible. Thank goodness it was JUST the charger (Though probably still frustrating for you!)

Jennifer Lomenick said...

I am so sorry. It is a good thing they are so cute so you can forgive them. I thought you were going to say your camera and I wanted to cry. Glad it was the charger. I think that is a small miracle. Hope it gets here soon!

Sarah Peterson said...

yes a miracle indeed it was only a $25 charger instead of a $250 camera... I would have cried myself to sleep at night.

Lora said...

I guess miracles don't happen at my house. Elle just did drop my entire camera into her little pool. (i have been literally crying for 2 days) We are waiting for it to dry completely out just in case by some miracle it does work! I am freaking out!! My battery does work, so if you need an extra just let me know. I have (had) a nikon d40. =(


OH MY GOSH SARAH!!!!! painting theh floor! I'm so glad you were able to clean it, and it wasn't permanant! and the charger!!! I know it's not funny, but it is funny to imagine her just picking it up, thinking she'd do a favor for you by washing it. Oh my gosh- I'm so glad it was only 25 dollars- what a relief. thankgoodness it wasn't the camera. Oh my gosh- even though these stories are frusterating for you, they're really entertaining, and I like them! Oh man- what a day for you though! I was wondering about your walls, if you had or were going to paint them blue- I'm glad to find out you are! I can't wait to see it!

Dave & Melissa said...

LOL, that is so not funny, but it is. I'm glad you're "keeping it real" and going with the flow. You're such a great mom! Sometimes I have to bite my lip, take a deep breath and remind myself- Kids learn by doing.... And then count to a thousand. LOL. Have a good day! :o)