Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Claire

Claires first Year from Sarisker on Vimeo.


Karen K. said...

I needed to be warned! I'm so glad no one walked into the office and caught me crying! That is the sweetest thing ever. You did a great job and I'll watch it over and over (and make everyone else watch it too.)Happy Birthday Claire-Bear!!! (I hope the green nose stuff is gone now.) ;)

Scott said...

love it! What a great video. We can't wait to be closer to your beautiful family! Yay for Claire!

Francisco J. Darquea said...

CUTE! She's going to love that when she's older! You are a great mom for creating such wonderful memories that your girls will surely cherish! We love Claire! Happy Birthday!

nettie said...

so sweet, happy birthday to claire...

Valerie said...

She is such a sweet girl! Happy Birthday, Claire!

Dawn said...

That gave me goosebumps. You create such sweet video's of the girls. Happy Birthday Claire!

Lora said...

What a great thing to do! I keep forgetting with my love of photos it just doesn't touch videos. We need to do better about that! Happy birthday baby Claire!


man, where to begin-first of all I know you didn't mean to show this, but your home looks beautiful- I was looking in the backround and you have beautiful moldings- and floorings and furniture- it just looks beautiful. Ok- next- you are so good at this kind of stuff- putting videos together- it was so good! Claire is sooooo cute. My favorite parts were Liv playing or holding Claire- those parts were so sweet, she looks like a REALLY good sister. Love you-