Sunday, November 15, 2009

Go Cougars!

We went to our first basketball game of the season. With both girls! They actually did pretty great. If only Liv could get over her fear of different pottys then we'd be set!


Dawn said...

Pretty darn cute those two are!! Fear of public potties huh?

Britta said...

These photos are so sweet! Go Cougs!

Alisha said...

so cute! i love the Y on her cheek. i think that phobia has a medical name.

nettie said...

wow, claire has totally grown since we saw her in August. She looks so much older here!

Valerie said...

I love seeing Claire's little teethy smile. They are so cute in their BYU garb!

Lora said...

Love the shirts! They are such cute little sisters!

lindsaymarchant said...

So cute! I love Claire's little smile! They are perfect.

Egghead said...

Adorable! I just love how they look enough alike to be sisters but are different at the same time. I am loving that last shot. Sweet.

Karen K. said...

How do the littlest ones withstand the 'hugs' and 'loves' of the bigger ones? Claire is looking so tolerant (in addition to being really cute). Is Olivia's hair BRAIDED? :)

Natalie said...

love the shirts. We need to get one for Bry!