Monday, April 13, 2009

To Good to be True...

Claire and Olivia switched rooms on Saturday. Olivia said her room was "Too Windy". Both girls were sleeping in the front room. I would usually be sleeping with Olivia in her bed and waking up to feed Claire every so often, and trying to get her down to sleep some times for hours and hours. Both girls have some sleep issues. Olivia just has a hard time in her "big girl" bed- well any bed for that matter. Claire has actually slept really well through the night- it's just getting her to fall asleep that is the hard part. Anyway... the good news...
Both Claire and Olivia have slept in there OWN beds mostly through the night for 2 days now! Oh, and I have slept in my own bed too! How wonderful!! I hope it continues. Olivia seems to really like her new room. She even wanted to nap in there today instead of on the couch (She has been getting away with that since I just didn't want to hear the screaming any more) Now if only I could make my bad dreams go away. I had a dream that my mom bought me cats. It was a night mare- really, I woke up crying.


Karen K. said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You remind me of Becky. She used to HATE cats. She didn't like furry things of any kind. Now she's had TWO cats. I don't think she likes anyone else's though. I am so sorry I bought you cats. I promise. I will never do that to you. Just ham. ;)

I am so glad that the girls are sleeping! It's probably better that Olivia's in the back room--less noise maybe? Although your cul-de-sac doesn't seem noisy.

nettie said...

i hate cats too!


Sarah, the cats- ha. I'm glad they are sleeping in their rooms. I love you-

be you blithe and bonny said...

Hurray! We just did a room-switcheroo, too. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
What's the story behind the cats? Next post, please!

Natalie said...

Wahoo... I hope it continues!