Friday, April 10, 2009

Baby Hands

One of my FAVORITE things in the world is little baby hands. I love love love them. They are SO soft and usually kinda cold. I love to kiss them and hold them. I love that they will always hold your finger tightly. They are just so sweet. Anyway- I'm always taking pictures of Claires' hands, but I find them a little boring so I don't post them. The last set of pics I took though just didn't turn out too great, so hands it is! The girls just had funny looks in all the pictures. The sun was too bright! (Which means it was sunny- which makes me HAPPY!!) We do have storms again for Easter weekend. Rats. I hope it doesn't rain for the egg hunt. Olivia is SOOO excited about it!
Oh- and take note of my LONG nails!! My nails grow like crazy. Ever since I got pregnant with Olivia my nails have been long and strong. They used to ALWAYS break off. It is weird. I am always cutting them really short only to find a week later they are long again. It is kind of annoying really. This picture shows one week worth of growth. Crazy, huh.


Karen K. said...

1) Beautiful photo! Sonia suggested that you should enlarge and frame it. 2) I'm glad you have sun but sorry the pics of the girls didn't turn out and 3) I am envious of your nails. I'm sorry you have to trim them so much (I guess) I just wish I had some to trim! I already know that pregnancy doesn't change it for me. Any other suggestions? 4) Where is Olivia's egg hunt? Are you doing it at home? I wish I could be there. How fun!

Lora said...

I love this photo! Way to go on your mad photo skills!

be you blithe and bonny said...

Love this pic - I tried to do something like this but not nearly as good with the camera as you!

Jennifer Lomenick said...

I am always cutting my nails as well. I just prefer them long. Your looks great and I love that picture. I love when babies cross their ankles. I could take pictures of that and their feet.