Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's really going on...

Well, I like to think I am in-touch with friends and family through blogs. Well... then I realize, a lot of us really don't say what's going on in just every day life. Some times it's so every-day type of stuff I forget people don't know what's going on! So.. heres an update!
Livie is speaking really well. She speaks in compound sentences and is 90% understandable. She has really grown up in the past few months. She is still working on ABC's. She has colors and numbers down. She can count to 10 well, and is working on her teens. Her favorite activities are reading books. She recites and 'reads' books to me all day long. She loves to dance. She loves to pretend. She calls herself Princess Theona a lot. She is a spectacular eater. She eats just about every thing we put in front of her. She whines a lot. She is always telling me to put Claire down and play with her. She loves her friends and family. She asks about them all the time.

Claire is a good baby. She is often fussy when she is awake, but she smiles for atleast 10 minutes a day. She loves attention. She will always calm down if I hold her, bounce her, or let her swing in her chair. She has a hard time sitting or being alone unless she is dead aseelp. I can't blame her though. I wouldn't want to entertain myself either! She LOVES the car. She always falls asleep in the car. I love that she loves it- Olivia would SCREAM every time we got in the car. It was dreadful going anywhere with her when she was a baby. Umm, Claire is a pretty good sleeper. She sleeps about 6-8 hours at night. Not bad... Claire kicks her little legs a lot and is always making noise. Some times mad noises, sometimes happy. It is cute. She is a good eater too. She loves her binky, but loves her mommy most ;) She is very attatched and prefers me over anyone else.

Brett has been playing lots of basketball. Our ward meets in the morning at 6 am to play. Brett hates getting up early, but loves basketball! He had gained a little weight, but has lost it now since resuming playing sports! HE lost 11 pounds! WOW! He is by no means fat though, and never was. Bretts job is not doing so well. We are down one paycheck... and I forsee missing others due to the company having $0 to pay us. It has been stressfull not knowing if we will be able to pay bills. If things don't start getting better soon, he will have to get a new job. Sadly, there are not many to choose from at this time with the economy doing so bad. Wish us luck!!

Well, I am just boring! I watch and play with the girls all day long. Mostly changing diapers, nursing, and trying to clean. I make dinners most nights and love to try new recipes. I have abiout 15 that I ALWAYS make though. I take TONS of pictures and I really like it. I like to blog and be on the computer. Theres always something to look at on the computer! I am trying really hard to stick to a work-out routine. My goal is to treadmill for atleast 1/2 an hour a day and to do arm, tummy, and back exercises. It takes about an hour total. It is difficult.. I wait until Claire is napping and Olivia just plays with toys or watches a show on TV. I'm always praying that Claire doesn't wake up. I am on my 3rd week now. I have lost about a pound. I can see a tiny difference. I've only missed a few days, so I've done pretty well ;) I think it is a good investment of my time to keep up my health and firness. I don't want to regret soem day not taking care of my body.
In General-
Amy (Bretts little sister) is living with us for awhile. When she finds an apartment and makes a few bucks she'll move out. Olivia LOVES having her around. I hear "Wheres Amy? Whens she coming home?" all day long. Umm, we are teaching primary again. We teach the 10 year old boys. I was scared at first. Turns out they are MUCH easier then 4 year olds! (who we used to teach) The boys are little minds for molding- they know so little, and just soak it in! It's cool to watch them learn. Brett does the teaching for now. He is really good with the boys. Olivia is doing really well in nursery again. She went through a hard 4 months or so. It stunk when she would cry every week and just wouldn't let me leave. She is doing great now though. WOOHOO!


Dawn said...

Great idea for a post! I will keep this in mind after I am done playing catch up on trip pictures which hopefully will be soon. I am sorry about Brett's job. Hopefully things get better for you soon. You guys are in our thoughts :0) Awesome job with the work out routine. It's so hard sometimes to stick with it but its such a great feeling when you do.

Sblogger said...

Good to hear waht's going on with you guys! What cute girls you have!


That was really nice to read. Because you never really blog about life- it was really nice to play catch up. I hope Brett doesn't have to find a job, and I hope if he does have to- that he can find one- it's so hard right now. I'm glad your girls are doing so well. Holy cow sarah you've been working out for 3 weeks, that's amazing. you are so determined, I wish you were my neighbor so we could do it together. I love you-

Scott said...

(This is Britta)

Thank you for posting this update! I love seeing all your pictures, but it's true, I miss a lot of what goes on in day to day living.

Jennifer Lomenick said...

Glad to hear about you. I am sorry to hear about Brett's job. That really stinks but I can so relate. We have done that SO MANY times during our marriage. Mark would be jealous to know that Brett plays basketball every morning but they would have to play at 5 am for him to be able to play. He would go though! The girls sound so cute. Enjoy!