Friday, March 06, 2009

Chunky Monkey (2 month check-up)

Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz. (76%)
Length: 24 inches (93%)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches (61%)

Claire checked out great at her Dr's visit today. She has a flat spot on her head though. She has a condition where her head was turned to one side in the womb, so now she keeps her head turned that way all the time making it flat. I have to do some exercises with her to strengthen her neck muscles so she'll turn the other way. It should be fine. Other then that it was just a normal visit with the screaming from shots. Poor girl.


Karen K. said...

She's so cute. I love her clenched fist. She looks like she's strong or she's doing that "yeeesss" gesture or something. The picture doesn't really make her appear very chunky though. Chunkier than Olivia was for sure!

April said...

Oh i hate hate hate it when they have to get shots! Such a sweet baby girl you have. I hate doing my own hair too! I always end up with lots of blonde in front and none in the back:)

Dawn said...

What a doll. Shots are so sad. At least they get most of them when they don't know what to expect because I can tell you 5 year old shots are not fun. Give both her and olivia hugs and kisses from me.

nettie said...

wow, her stats sure make her seem 'chunky', but she definitely doesn't look chunky. she carries it well.

Alisha said...

bummer about the flat head. i had to do exercises with jill for her neck too but it was b/c i would always hold her the same way.
she's not chunky at all, just sweet chub. :) i can't wait to see you and meet little claire.

Natalie said...

"Chunky?!" She looks so little! But they sure grow fast! Bry is almost 4 months!


My sister's baby had that same deal- and they had to do excersizes, and she eventually got over it. She is a real cutie. I'm glad she's healthy and happy. WHen are you coming to Oregon for a visit, it's been a long time!