Monday, June 09, 2008

A lot to think about

Well- a lot has happened recently. I couldn't sleep last night because there was just SOO much to think about! I think I will just list the latest events...

1 My Dad is getting baptized! Now- some of you may not know that my Dad is not a member of the LDS church, but he has recently decided to get baptized and become one of us! It really was shocking to me, I wasn't really expecting it... but I couldn't be happier for him- and our family! It is SUCH a blessing. In a year we will be sealed in the temlpe. Words can't describe this. I wish I could express my emotions better, but words aren't enough.

2 Emily's bridal shower is this week. I am in charge being the 'maid of honor'. I shouldn't be worried, which I'm not, it's just one more thing to think about and plan..

3 Brett accepted a new job. It is a longer comute. It is about 35 minutes North. It has pretty good benefits and we are excited about it. If you know me- you will know why I'm not saying WHERE this new job is or any of the towns. Sorry, I am paranoid..

4 We might MOVE... Well, since Brett has this new job we have been looking at homes closer to the job. I LOVE where we live- I love our neighbors, our ward and the area. I don't love Brett having to comute though. We actually found a house that will be forclosed soon. It is REALLY nice, in a perfect location with a beautiful view. It is being listed for $200,000 less then it was appraised for. So- tomorrow our house may go on the market and we could be moving REAL fast if all works out. It is scary. We don't know what to expect. All I know is that I have to get our house SUPER clean and staged for selling by like tomorrow... AAH!

5 Fathers Day next Sunday. I haven't even stared to think about this. It's a bit overwhelming to me.

6 We are flying out to Oregon in just a few weeks for Emma's wedding. With all the comotion of house selling/buying and everything else, this is becoming one BUSY June!

7 On top of every thing else- I think about this new baby, and trying to not be sick. The past few days I haven't been too sick at all- maybe because I'm too busy to think about it ;)


Natalie said...

Congratulations, congratulations... and WOW! I got your message, thanks! Brett told Nic about the house yesterday. Sounds like an awesome deal, but your house would have to sell fast. (I promise I won't pray for it not to sell... but I will be hoping.) I know we could still get together... blah, blah, blah.

And I can't not comment on your dad! That is awesome! I'd love to hear more about that and how it came to be! Wahoo!

Oh, and I'm glad you are feeling alright! Let's play this week.

nettie said...

Wow! You do have a lot going on! First of all, I am so excited for your dad and your family. What an awesome experience you will have in the temple. It makes my heart happy.

Hope everything works out for the move. a 35minute commute doesn't sound like much of a commute to me, but I can completely understand wanting to be closer if you can. It is hard to say goodbye to a place your really love!

Swanson Family said...

Kim told us the great news about the upcomming baptism. We are sooooo excited for your family! What a blessing to have a baptism & a temple wedding the same weekend!

Mom and Dad Pete said...

Congratulations are in order....exciting things are happening in your family. I'm so happy for you and your whole family!

Cecilia said...

Wow, you have a lot in your plate girl!

How awesome that your Dad is getting baptized!

Good luck on the bridal shower preparations.

Good job Brett for the new job! Even though I don't want you to move, I'm happy for you guys.

Just take a deep breath and a bubble bath to relax.

Karen K. said...

Hey punkin. Take it one thing at a time...As far as Father's Day goes, deal with "Olivia" getting Brett something and just give your ol' Dad a call on Sunday. He'll be thrilled with that. I'm calling Grampa on Sunday and saving his "gift" until he gets here for the wedding. I put it in quotes cuz I don't think of it as much of a gift but Grandma seems to think he'll be thrilled. In case he reads this (which I doubt) I won't mention what it is. I LOVE YOU!

Tracey said...

Sar, You know how excited I am for you and your family with all of the upcoming events. Let me know what I can do to be of help. I love you guys tons!!!

Tiffany said...

Congrats on everything! You'll have to let me know where this "new house" (it could be closer to where I live!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you do have a lot going on! At least it sounds like all positive changes. Congrats on of course the pregnancy :0) (little late on the game) as well as Brett's new job. Glad your not headed to Cali. I am so upset that I can't make it to Emily's reception. Her announcements turned out fabulous. Loved the picture. It would have been the perfect time to meet Olivia and of course Emily's new husband, Unfortunately work is not easy to get out of these days. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Take some time to yourself and relax. Easier said then done. Love ya!

Alisha said...

phew!! what a list! i'm with nettie; it's so good to hear about your dad.
at least your month will go fast with everything your doing. then you'll be one month closer to have another sweet baby!

Valerie said...

I'm excited for all of you! This summer is going to FLY by.


Lanette said...

WOW, you are busy, Sarah! And I am SO excited about your dad! I was so happy when I heard. :) I'll see you at the shower tomorrow...and I'll want to hear an update on the house and all that...:)

Karen K. said...

Will you PLEASE put a new picture of Olivia and family up? Well, at least Olivia...

Egghead said...

You are one busy lady. Deep breaths. Congratulations on the new little bambino. It is such an exciting time.