Monday, June 16, 2008

Pool Party!

Hannah and Olivia

Today we invited our favorite neighbors over for a pool party. It was pretty hot. We had 4 crazy girls and 2 swimming pools! We had fun and LOVE our neighbors. I would put up more pictures- but I'm not sure how my neighbor feels about a public blog, so we'll save those pics for a photo-album ;)


Cecilia said...

Cute pics! Looks like fun!

Karen K. said...

How cute they are! I can't believe Olivia still fits in that purple swimsuit. The new one I got her will probably be big! She looks like such the girly-girl in that picture. I can't wait to see you all! Maybe I should think positively and get her a swimming pool for here too. Right now I think it's probably in the 60's.

Karen K. said...

I was wrong... It's 52 degrees out there! Isn't it just four days til the summer solstice (also known as the first day of summer) ;) I hope it warms up before you get here. It was pretty yesterday at least.

Natalie said...

We had so much fun! Thanks for the invite! We need to do stuff like that more often. Thanks!

Hailey & Jared said...

Hey sarah i have a blog now! Hailey

be you blithe and bonny said...

Hi Sarah, I spotted your blog from Natalie R.'s - I hope that's ok! Super cute pics - and congrats to your sister & your family!