Monday, June 02, 2008

Eating Breakfast

Olivia just looked so cute eating her cereal a few days ago, so I took pictures. She is getting VERY good with her spoons/forks. She is still a mess maker, but she gets 95% of the food to her mouth these days.. which is much better for clean-up ;)


THE SHAWS said...

Thanks for the cake tips. I will for sure try that because it makes total sense! Thanks so much! PS, i'm coming to UT June 30th and for the rest of the week. I want to see you at least once while I'm there.

Cecilia said...

She looks so cute eating her cereal! Thanks for doing my hair the other day!

Anonymous said...

Um, 95% huh? That's better then Nojah. Cute pictures!

Karen K. said...

That's funny Dawn!

Natalie said...

Breakfast? And she's already all ready for the day?! I'm impressed! Cute little pig tails.

nettie said...

such cute pigtails!

Kelli said...

These pictures are very cute!! That's great that she is eating so well with utensils, I bet that makes things a little easier at meal time :)

Karen K. said...

I love that last picture. She looks like something might taste better over near (is it Daddy?).