Saturday, April 05, 2008

San Diego Trip

Livie and mommy in front of the beautiful flowers at Sea World

Liv eating her Shamu ice-cream. She LOVED it!

in the 3-D Sesame Street movie. So cool!

we played a lot of 'catch the livie' while walking around Sea World to keep her entertained. She LOVES being chased (even if Daddy is holding her)

in front of the flamingos

Livs got her rock... as well as getting SOAKED from the wave!

Brett is working for a company out in San Diego and they wanted him to fly out for a business trip last week. Brett was going to say to schedule it for another time, because it was my birthday on Monday, but instead we decided to go with him and do a half work day on Monday and go to Sea World. So- we spent the week in San Diego while Brett worked. He worked earlier hours so he was home (or should I say the hotel) by 4 pm. We had LOTS of fun. Sea World was lots of fun and I wouldn't mind going again, although there was a lot of walking. The whale and dolphin shows were great! They had them so well trained it was pretty cool. We also went to downtown San Diego which is Latino central. They have ALL Mexican restaraunts down there. There are about 15 to choose from. We even had a mariachi band sing to us at our table! Olivia was dancing and loving it... when they weren't at our table. She preferred to see them from a distance. ;) We also went to the beach, but that trip only lasted about 10 minutes because Olivia got hit by a wave trying to get a rock. Poor girl- she was shivering and soo cold! Which reminds me- the weather was AMAZING! It was perfect- not too hot not too cold and a slight breeze. We also looked at a few houses and decided to live in San Diego we would live in a shack or a condo... Hmm, both not desireable! They gave Brett a job offer and we have to decide if we want to move there by the end of the month. UH, pressure! What to do, what to do... We will be praying and fasting to know what to do. There are many pros and cons to it, so we'll see. Anyway- gotta go! Love ya'll!


Kelli said...

Wow, what a nice way to spend your birthday! I have always wanted to visit San Diego, mainly because I have heard how perfect the weather is all year round. I have also heard how incredibly expensive it is to live there though. That would be a tough decision to make!

Cecilia said...

I'm glad you guys had fun in San Diego! What move to San Diego??? Who is going to cut my hair??? Just kidding...I'll miss you, but I hope that Heavenly Father can help you guys make the best decision for your family!

Cecilia said...

BTW :Can you do my hair this friday the 11th???
Call me or leave a comment on my blog!

Gary said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Glad to see that you had fun. What a decision!Love,mom

Chad and Jessica said...

Okay, I'll just pretend I'm not jealous....I have been dying to go to a warm(well warmer then Oregon) beach. I'm glad you got to go though....yah-hee! Good luck with your decision....I think it's exciting but I know it's stressful at the same time! Take care, and Happy late birthday!

Brandi Clark said...

Hey sounds like fun. My husband used to live in San Diego for a while. He loved it and wants to move us back there but I just don't know how to make an interstate move. It is nice down there though and there is lots to do. I thought about you on your birthday I just forgot to send an e-mail, so happy late birthday.

Karen K. said...

I love the pics, but particularly the 3-D glasses one. That's so funny. Did Livie like it? The weather in San Diego looks perfect. I wish we had a reason to move there. Gardening all year long...yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love some warm weather about now, however it has been snowing for a week straight here and is going to continue. Congrats on the job offer Brett! Now the hard part, Cali or Utah?? I'm sorry that's a tough one :0) I wish you the best of luck! Great pictures, looks like you guys had fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Kristen P. said...

SD weather is like that all the time. Can't beat it really. There is very little variance in the weather. People who live in Southern Cal don't actually live in the city, they live in the suburbs where you can afford a non-shack. It will all work out just the way it's supposed to. Looks like a fun trip.

Lanette said...

Moving to San Diego??? I know the winters there would be lovely, but it would definitely be a whole new world. I hope you stick around--I enjoy living close to you guys--but that does sound like a good opportunity.

So the pictures you posted are amazing. You are gorgeous--your hair looks awesome (as always!) and Livie is adorable. She has the cutest smile!

Aika said...

Brett and Sarah, I found out about your blog from Shelley, but WHAT!!! I found about the good news, is it good news??? :) hahaha, just joking... Congratulations!!!
San Diego is so nice, too... warm winters and perfect weather all year long... I just miss being at the beach, those pictures are beautiful. Keep me posted! By the way, love your family blog. Olivia is so big!! and too cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your back! I know you'll go where you're supposed to be, but I'm kind of hoping you're supposed to be here. You guys are awesome and I will miss you tons if you go. I love you guys! By the way can I have Livs this week?

Alisha said...

weren't you kinda expecting to make this decision sooner or later?
it would be nice to have some connection in so cal. it really is beautiful down there.
however, i know you love your life in utah.
good luck and let us know.


WHOA BABY. Job offer in cali... wow. First of all congrats to brett for the offer, that is really wonderful. Second- whoa you could be moving to california! I am so curious and eager to find out your decision. I know it will be the correct choice, you both have strong testimonies and are smart, I know you'll make the right choice. That is so cool you got to visit San Diego, how fun! Happy late birthday! I don't remember if you're older or younger than me...??? I'm 23. I haven't been to Seaworld since I was 6. How fun! I bet Livie loved it. You know what, as I was looking at those pictures I thought, "there pretty settled, livie's getting older... time to have another baby." :) You are SO beautiful, my goodness. Every time you put a picture of yourself on your blog I just love it because you are so beautiful and stylish. You look so good Sarah. I got a little scared when I saw Brett with the 3-d glasses, I thought, "oh no, -" and then I read they were 3-d glasses- hahha. Sarah, I wish you lived here, I miss you. Well, I'm going to catch up on the rest of your blog, the pictures look so good, you're a natural. I love you.

Natalie said...

Looks like a really fun trip. I'm jealous! And the job offer?! Well, my vote is no! I'm sure it would be a great experience for you guys but we'd sure miss you.

Valerie said...

San Diego is AWESOME! Good luck with a big decision.

We'll keep you in our prayers...