Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy Birhday Grams!

Today is my mom's Birthday. I have no idea how old she is to be honest... To my defense, I didn't even know how old I was until Emily reminded me. So, Happy Birthday Ma, hope it's a good day!
Here are some pictures of Liv's FAVORITE thing to do... draw! She drew this one from Grammy ;)


Vonda said...

Best present a grammy can get. My fridge always has pictures from the littles. Always did even when my kids were little. I love it.

Karen K. said...

Awwwwwwwwww. Did she draw the paper picture AND the line on her leg (that she's pointing to) for me? Tell her thank you!

Natalie said...

what an artist!

Cecilia said...

How cute! I hope it was a washable marker!!!lol

Alisha said...

lol. she's seems proud of what she did!

Kelli said...

aww how cute! I love little baby drawings! And I like that she's pointing to the pen on her leg ha ha ;)

Tracey said...

Happy belated birthday Karen!


I love pictures from little kids for birthdays. It's hard for me to throw them away, I keep them for a long time if not forever. The Hinkley challenge- my sister is doing that too. You are an example to me, I feel like I'm loosing my spiritualness. am I allowed to be this honest on the blog? you and lizzie, and so many other people are doing the challenge, I'm proud of you. I love you, miss you.