Monday, February 04, 2008


Earlier this evening we went to our neighbors house to drop off some 'get well' fruit. They've been sick. On my way back to the house I was holding Olivia on my hip. It has been non-stop ice and snow ALL winter. Sadly, on our short walk home I slipped on the ice throwing Olivia onto her head on the concrete/ice. It made a loud crack noise. Unfortunately, I instinctively put out my hands to catch MYSELF and not Olivia's head. Olivia lied on the ground in shock and I finally got up and took her home. She screamed and went CRAZY. She was not calming down no matter what I did. I was scared, so I called the Dr's office. They told me to take her to the emergency room. I didn't know if we could afford the emergency room or if it was necessary, so I decided to call 9-1-1 to ask if this was serious. The lady at 9-1-1 sent an ambulance telling me this WAS serious, and I did the right thing calling. So, a police officer and an ambulance came rushing to our house. I'm not gonna lie- it was some what embarrassing since I didn't think Olivia was really hurt that bad, I just don't know much about concussions and such. Anyway, Olivia is OKAY and her head seems fine. Hopefully it didn't do more damage then meets the eye. We had all the neighbors calling and coming over asking if we were okay (I'm telling you, we have the worlds BEST neighbors) We even got dinner from one. Wow, what more could I ask for?! I have felt sick about it all pretty much all night. It was just SOO scary and gave me major anxiety to have an ambulance coming to our house. I have officially decided I have bad luck. After cancelled flights, lost baggage and now head injuries, I am not sure how much more I can take. I really do want to make more positive HAPPY blogs. I promise I'm not trying to be pessimistic. I am just having bad luck!
p.s. I've learned my lesson about calling 9-1-1. Only call if you want help sent to your house immediately. (I think it may be standard to always send help as soon as you get on the phone with them) Theres no question asking ;) I think they should have a 9-1-1 question line, that way they could tell you if it really was an emergency or not!


Valerie said...

Oh, Sarah!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! It's so tough to know what to do sometimes. I'm glad you had her checked out so that you know you did everything you could to make sure she was fine.

Only good luck from now on!

Anonymous said...

Bad luck always seems to come in streaks. I am so sorry! You can always call the ER and talk with a DR or nurse, they may say to come in or they may give you some things to watch for. I hope Olivia is feeling better. I am pretty sure you are going to have a good luck streak now!!

nettie said...

oh man...this made me nervous reading it. I tripped once with morgan in my arms and she hit her head on the pavement. It was the scariest thing in the world. Not knowing is so hard...

the best advice i received was to give her a blessing. it did wonders for my peace of mind.

THE SHAWS said...

Oh gosh, that sounds awful! I feel bad for the both of you. I'm glad everything is okay though. Probably lots of headaches im sure. It's a good thing there are people anxious to help out. Good luck streak here you've paid your dues!

Anonymous said...

I did a similar thing with Laura when she was about Livie's age. I tripped in a parking lot and saved myself. She went flying and had a huge knot on her head. The nice thing is that they are too young to blame us. You're an awesome mom and I'm sure your luck will turn around. Love ya!

Natalie said...

Sarah, I'm glad everything turned out okay. I hope Livie is doing good today. I'm glad you got it checked out... and again if you had gone to the ER you may have had to wait for hours!? We sure love you and are always here if you need us or not!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad she is ok. For future reference, most insurance companies and hospitals have a nurses hotline that you can call for things like this. I can't believe that the dr's office just told you to take her to the ER. Was if after hours? The ER is a horrible place. Sam whacked his head on our safe once and Jon and I both freaked out because the purple welt on his head kept getting bigger and bigger. And he would not calm down for the longest time. He was fine and the ER visit was not neccessary. Kid's heads are suprisingly tough.

Vonda said...

Oh Sarah. I'm so glad you both are alright. That is so scary. What a few days! Positive thoughts are flowing your way.

Jill said...

I feel for you--nothing like a good guilt trip!!! I love your honesty in this blog though! I swear, it's never more than a week or two before Byron has another bruise somewhere on his big ole head. Usually just as one is healing, he re-smacks it on something else or scrapes it or something else. And I'm not even going to start describing what his poor legs look like right now...

Roxy said...

Sarah -

You don't have bad luck!!! That is just life with kids. I think everyone one of my kids have been dumped on their heads at least once. lol That might explain what is wrong with all of them. Bad luck is when you are watching a friends little baby girl and your son accidently pushes the stroller off the curb. I had to watch her for a concussion and when they picked her up her face was all scratched up from the pavement. You know how bad you feel when its your own kid...Imagine how horrible I felt. But don't worry I promise there will be many more bumps and bruises and like Tracey said at least they are to young to remember. You're a great mom!