Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Baby Birthing

So, awhile back I had talked to a girl that just had a baby.. I asked if she had an epidural, and she replied "No, but it was pain-free" I was thinking, okay, how is THAT possible!? She told me all about her experience with hypno-birthing. I guess you take some classes learning how to have a baby naturally with no drugs and it is pain-free. You learn how to put yourself into a deep hypnosis so that you feel no pain but are fully aware of what is going on. I thought it sounded pretty cool and maybe some day I would like to give it a try. The draw-backs are that it is VERY time consuming for a couple months because there is a lot of meditation/learning time devoted to it before the delivery. Plus, it cost like $500 for the class (I think) Anyways, I just thought I'd let people know about it since I know lots of pregnant people and they may want to consider this if an epidural doesn't sound pleasing to them (although I am 100% for epidurals... it is TOTALLY my thing ;))


Alisha said...

sarah!!! i can't believe you just posted about hypnobirthing! that's what i'm doing this time around. i'm not paying for the class but i'm reading the "text" book and i'm going to start practicing soon. i'm going to take what i think is most important from the book and make my own birth experience. i'm really excited. i was going to post about it after the birth and tell everyone what i thought about hypnobirthing vs epidurial.
anyway, i just had a long conversation with my father-in-law about it just about 10 min ago and then i checked your blog. funny.

Natalie said...

When I first read the title, I wondered if this was going to be some kind of announcement... ha,ha! Hypno-birthing does sound interesting but I'm with ya, gotta love epidurals!

Jill said...

Epidurals make life heavenly! Hypno-birthing sounds interesting too, but I'm not sure I could part with $ if insurance covered it, I probably would though! But, once again, I love my epidurals!!!

Hayley said...

hey sarah,

i had a natural birth and used hypnobirthing. well, some of it. it was great but, not "pain free." i did it with both my girls and will with the rest of my babies. to each their own.

I paid only $75 for my class though. i think your friend got ripped off. eeek.