Monday, February 12, 2007

Lake Peterson

So, after the snow has melted, and it rained... we have Lake Peterson in our backyard. Our house was the first one to be built so when the other houses went up it made the water flow into our yard because they were built up higher then ours. Brett called the city today to see what they'll do about it. We'll see...

Sorry Dad, doesn't look like Olivia is loving basketball as much as you!


Anonymous said...

decieving pictures Sarah. All I know is with me, Olivia likes to toss the ol' B-Ball around and nothing makes her happier! ;)

Karen K. said...

1) The pic of Olivia just makes me sad :( Take that ol' b-ball away and give her a fashion magazine or something! ;)

2) Is that water getting into your basement!?! Tim says maybe you'll have to put a drain in your backyard...

Karen K. said...

She's probably having flashbacks of that day at the BYU game...

Alisha said...

she will learn to love it.
btw, i'm laughing out loud. i love it

nettie said...

Sorry about the lake, I hope you get it all figured out! That's got to be frustrating.

I don't think anyone likes bball as much as brett...

Mom and Dad Pete said...

That's so sad!!!Poor Livvy! She's sad about the yard too.I hope the city will do something, but alas--- Has this been happening all year?

Sarah Peterson said...

well, it's really just been under snow all year so, we really couldn't say... Then in the summer theres not much rain, so it really only happens for a a few months. Oh- and no, there is no water in the basement- it's far away from our house- LUCKILY!

Valerie said...

We have some drainage issues at our house too...they are a real bummer.

At least you could play water bball if you wanted, a variation of water polo?

Lindsay Marchant said...

I think Livie will come around. I mean who doesn't LOVE basketball. heehee. I'll still love her if she doesn't even though it may be a struggle! ;)

Karen K. said...

Dad says if it's necessary it won't cost much to put a drain in the backyard.

Poor Livie...that picture still makes me want to reach out and comfort her! Maybe she's just sad that she's 'dribbling' on a bib instead of with a basketball! OK, I know, that was lame!