Thursday, April 04, 2013

Spring Break

We had an ice cream social yesterday with a bunch of the girls friends. The girls have been working for about a month on charts with behaviors I wanted to enforce. Some things Olivia had to work on daily: Happy, positive attitude, reading every day, making her bed, helping with random chores. Some things on Claires list were: Leaving Emma alone when Mom said stop, making her bed, helping with chores, going potty on the toilet before it is too late, etc. The chart did help a lot, and for the most part they did the things listed daily! They had earned their ice cream social, and we decided to do it over Spring break. 

The girls each got to invite 3 friends. One of claires couldn't come, and we ended up inviting 4 of Olviai's- so it evened out. We made our sugar rush ice cream sundays and went down to the theater room and watched "Wreck it Ralph". It was a fun time for the girls, and since it was all girls they were pretty well behaved and I didn't have to do too much crowd control. I love having girls and I love having girl parties! If I had 3 boys, you can bet I probably wouldn't have done such a thing without Brett home! They are so much more wild!!


Emily D said...

Claire looks so grown up! Sounds like a fun party. Definitely my kind of party! We did a chore chart with Luke too. It really helped establish some good habits.

Emily D said...

If Luke was there they would've built a fort with your couches and every single pillow on the house!!

Looks like they really had fun.


Dawn said...

Oh my goodness the girls look SO grown up!! I am finally catching up on some blog reading.....I love the ice cream social idea. I am sure they all had a blast.

Jamie said...

I am so sad Rachel couldn't come--she would have loved it. Such a cute idea. And yes, boys would have been impossible!!!