Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sisterly Love

These two are always picking on each other. One minute they love the attention, the next it is just too much and there is crying. Claire over loves Emma with her hugs and kisses, and just constant touching, while Emma likes to pull Claires hair, poke at her eyes, and pat Claire on the back. I don't think Emma is malicious, it is just her age and she doesn't know it hurts! They drive each other crazy, but they love each other and love to play together so much too.


Karen K. said...

Dad and I laughed and laughed at this post...particularly the last picture of Claire being mauled by Emma. Hahahahahahahaha! (Emma looks so devilish/angelic at the same time in that second picture--what a talent.) ;)

Karen K. said...

Ha! I just spotted Brett's pose in the second picture. Made me laugh again!