Monday, December 17, 2012

Emmas Blanky

 Emma has a blanky. It is cream colored with giraffes on it. It is very soft and cuddly. I have been wrapping her in it since she was a newborn. My friend Rocio gave it to Emma as a baby gift. Emma has grown an attachment to it, and will not go to sleep with out it. The other 2 girls had binkys. Emma never did the binky thing, so now she is a blanky girl! It is nice to know she has something that is comforting to her when I can't be there. Hopefully she doesn't need to take it to college with her though.. ! She only sleeps with it. I do not allow it to go every where with her. The only time it has left the crib is when I let  her take it with her when she had to be babysat a few times.


Karen K. said...

That blanky was left in the car when I was there and I remember that's when we figured out why she wasn't taking a good nap. It didn't help when she threw it on the floor either!

Karen K. said...

The top picture reminds me of Sam Peterson--or Ben...on of those boys! Cute, whatever. You look cute too. Emma looks a bit 'crusty' faced in the second one. Hahahaha... She's definitely got 'the look' down.

Dawn said...

It looks snuggly. No wonder she loves it. Good luck with her not toting it off to pre-school for nap time :-)

Emily D said...

I was a blankie girl too! Our name is not the only thing in common. :)