Monday, December 17, 2012

Chocolate cake

If there is one thing in this house we do not lack in... it is sweets. I am always making or baking something. Probably once a week. Brett would say more often, but really, it's not. Today it was a chocolate cake. I would normally save making a cake for a birthday or holiday, but my cravings got the best of me. This one is chocolate cake soaked in raspberry sauce. Hopefully it tastes good! I still haven't tried it. Claire loves helping me with every step. Emma just LOVES being the clean up crew. She loves licking  down spatulas and beaters. This makes her so smiley and happy ;)In fact as soon as she sees I am done beating, she comes running over begging for a beater to lick.


Karen K. said...

How was the cake. It looks and sounds MARVELOUS! I didn't notice you making a ton of treats...but maybe it's because I tend to be like you. ;) The pictures of the girls are really cute and that's a good picture of Claire too!!! Yay!

Dawn said...

YUMMY! I am a bit of a bake a holic myself, and an eat-a-holic too.