Saturday, October 27, 2012

My blog stinks

How is it that others have the same thing going on in their lives, and their blog is awesome, and mine, well, it's a work in progress. I wish I had the creativity to present things more interesting! Liv has been losing her teeth- well, I would have posted a blog with some boring pictures of a girl with missing teeth. While over HERE her daughter has the same thing going on- yet- it is totally awesome and fun to read and look at. Sigh... I think I need to just copy and paste ;)


Karen K. said...

I like your blog!

I think if you were attempting to earn money off of your blog you'd probably try harder. You are very creative. One example? Back in the day when you did videos I was super impressed with your choice of music and how you presented them.

As I scroll down through your blog I see your gorgeous photography. Yes, you ARE talented!

Sblogger said...

I love your blog because it's yours. Don't change a thing. It's about your life, your sweet girls, your wonderful/funny/cute/etc. things that are happening in YOUR life and that is why it doesn't stink one bit! One reason I don't like blogging is because it causes us to compare ourselves to others who are living a completely different life than our own. Don't do it Sarah.:) You're amazing and your life and your blog is amazing the way it is!