Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Little Miss Claire intrigues me. Ever since she was about 18 months she has been putting things in order and organizing her toys. They always have an order. Sometimes it is biggest to smallest, sometimes they are grouped according to species, and sometimes sorted by color. I wonder what this says about her. Is she mathematically inclined? Will she have OCD? Or maybe she just likes things in order and in its place like her mom ;) All these pictures were taken the same day. If Claire has played with it- you can bet they are left "just so" and she will be mad if you move them!
When I was taking pictures of the animals on the stairs- Claire was watching, so I said: "Say Cheese!"
Claire gets a funny look and says "Mom, they don't talk!"


Karen K. said...

I've never noticed her doing this with things that actually matter though... like organizing the shoes in her closet! Gramma K does THAT!

For some reason I really like the picture with the 'My Little Ponies' in it.

Does she organize or line up other things besides her toys? It's interesting!!

Scott said...

I love this post - shows a lot of budding personality. Grace sure misses Claire!