Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Play Set

Brett has been so stressed lately. Work for him is crazy, although he has gotten to work with Jimmer Ferdette and Jackson Emery from the BYU basketball team on a website, which was really fun for him. In his "spare" time though he has been building the girls a play set (which has taken about 15 hours so far, and is still not done). He has also had to teach a missionary class at church and give a talk in sacrament. Poor poor man. He is such a hard worker. He has stayed up until 3 am many nights working for another side company, and he just gets NO sleep and stress is high! Here are some pictures of the process of building the play house..

first we had to move the sand out of the sand box (that is where the play house was going) the sand box was 20 ft x 20 ft. ridiculous! It was about 40 wheelbarrows of sand to move out
we had some of the kids from the ward help on a Saturday (they were earning money for trek)

here is the play set as of now... still have to get the slide together and put down fake turf. We are also going to do a small sand box in the corner

claire swinging... we've got to get a baby swing. She has already fallen off!

and lastly Claire just being silly with her 3D glasses


Karen K. said...

They look so happy. Yay Brett for working so hard to take care of his girls (including Sarah who will have a place to entertain the little girls!) I hope your workload and stress levels ease up soon. I sure miss the girls. Is that what I think it is in Claire's nose? hahahaha... Photoshop? I want to get her a kleenex. I can't believe I'm going to publish this... Oh, and I love Claire's purple accessories with the yellow dress. She's always wearing jewelry isn't she?

Dawn said...

I always wished we would have had a play structure for our kids. So much fun and so worth all of Bretts hard work. It does appear that Claire may have a boogie in her nose. Ha ha. Love the update and pictures. Have a great week!

Natalie said...

Sounds like Nic's crazy schedule!
Are you loving the playset?! We sure are... but it is quite the process!
Cute girls.