Monday, May 02, 2011

Easter Weekend

We had a fun Easter weekend. Even if it was freezing cold. Have I mentioned this spring has been a total bust in weather? We have only had a few days here and there of sunshine, and they were still pretty cold (mid 50's) The rest of the days have been over cast, rainy, snowy, or stormy. It is starting to get old. It is May now, so expect at least SOME warm days!!

We had 3 egg hunts. One in our back yard on Easter, and 2 on Saturday. We had a neighborhood hunt at the park and had a 2nd one with Emily & Francisco's family.

Olivia and Nathaniel (Emily's nephew on Francisco's side)

Claire showing off her treats. She was so excited to open her eggs up!

And the girls walking to church with Dad. I made them little yellow matching dresses. I didn't get any good pictures though. I'll get better pics later I guess. Livs dress turned out kind of bad since it was the first (trial and error) but Claires dress turned out cute with a lot fewer mistakes ;) Sadly that can be said about the parenting with the 2 also... ;)


Valerie said...

Love your last sentence! So true, so true. Cute dresses. I love how you can walk to church!

Dawn said...

You make me laugh. Hang in there with the weather. It'll come around before you know it! :-) Dresses look really cute from a distance. I wish I had some sort of talent or desire in the way of sewing, nope, none for this girl.

Jill said...

Hahaha! Love the last sentence because I COMPLETELY agree!!! First one always gets the most mistakes, right?! ;o) Poor first-borns.