Friday, April 15, 2011


This is Claire and Calvin last night. Calvin is a cousin. We've actually had 2 of Bretts brothers and their families over in Utah to visit the past week. It's been fun. It was funny to see Cal and Claire in matching polk-a-dot pj's. Calvins parents say these are his favorites (even though they are girl pj's that once belonged to his sister ;))

Here is another picture of me. I am trying hard to actually take pictures this time. I'm not doing so well. It is hard when the photographer of the family is ME and I won't lie... 4 year olds just can't take a great photo. At least most of me is in the photo ;) I'm thinking about asking someone to take maternity pictures this time around. I don't know though, I always feel like I don't look right when I'm pregnant. We find out next Tuesday (the 19th)what we are having. ;)


Natalie said...

I was thinking of you yesterday, wondering if you'd found out. You look great.

Blevins family of three said...

you look beautiful!! I can't wait to find out what it is!! So exciting!

Karen K. said...

You look beautiful. I wish I could see you in PERSON! I miss you all so much. Claire looks like she's having a GREAT time with Calvin. They are both the cutest.

Dawn said...

You're BEAUTIFUL. :-)