Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Are we ready for another?

We found out today we are having another...

Although I wanted a boy sooner then later, I'm not too terribly disappointed. I just figure a boy would do better if he didn't have 3 or 4 older sisters ;) But, it is what it is, and we are still excited. I am happy for my girls. It would be so much fun to have lots of sisters to stay up late and talk with and have girl parties. They will be lucky to have each other!

Here is Livie- who came running out front the other day in her sisters OLD swimm suit. This is a size 12 month suit! Oh my... did I mention it was only 50 degrees? She wanted me to spray her with the hose... I think not!

And here is Claire. She has been doing speech therapy for about 3 months now and is improving a LOT. She is really really trying hard to talk. Her words are mumbled and hard to understand, but we are doing sign language with her also and it is helping lots. She loves it! Now you may be wondering why there is duct tape on her diaper. She has a new LOVE of being nude. She pulls off that diaper every opportunity she gets. As soon as its off, she runs. She hates the duct tape... although she is starting to figure out how to get that off too! Oh boy... guess we'll have to potty train again weather she is ready or not! We can't have pee all over the house!


Tams Family said...

Congrats on another little girl! That is very exciting. Your girls are adorable. Glad to hear Claire is doing better and good luck with the potty training.

Jill said...

Congratulations on another beautiful girl! You're very blessed :) The pictures are adorable--Liv in her tiny "bikini" and Claire with her duct-taped diaper!! hahahahahaha! Awesome. Speech therapy was (and is) awesome for Byron, too! Speech pathologists/therapists are amazing people!

Dawn said...

HA HA!! I had to use duct tape on Lex too. She loved to be naked and would just take her diaper off whenever and wherever. Love that other people duct tape their kids closed too. :-) Congrats on another girl. As they get older they will be so close.

Dave & Melissa said...

Duct tape solves everything, doesn't it??? hehehe Congrats on the baby girl. Life with 3 girls is awesome. Lots of DRAMA, but awesome. Maybe a boy will be your caboose.

Britta said...

My sister gave me some advice about the stripping babies. She keeps her two year old in a onesie at all times. She can't get the snaps undone and without those snaps undone, she can't get her diaper off. Just an idea.

Congrats on the girl! I'm sure she will be adorable, and it will give Olivia even MORE tiny clothes to try on, ha ha ha.

Alisha said...

This is a great post!! so happy for another girl!! and the tape is the first thing i noticed. lol. also, tell olivia to come and visit and then she can wear that suit outside. we played in the kiddie pool out back today...

Valerie said...

I must be getting old. I saw the diaper, and before I read the caption, I thought, "Wow, Huggies is going for a modern look now."

Jennifer Lomenick said...

Congratulations on another girl. That is exciting. I never had a sister to do the late night talks, share clothes, etc. Glad my girls have each other.

I love the duct tape and bikini. They are hilarious. Good luck with the potty training.

Amanda D said...

Congratulations on another girl! I remember duct taping my sisters diapers on when they were from 1-2. Lots of fun! Good luck with the potty training I can't wait to dive in and have no diapers any more.


oh my gosh that is hilarious about the duct tape, and again, I can't believe yhou're having another girl- but honestly- you are such a girly girl, I would imagine you to be such a fun mom for a girl. And be ablet o handle them very wisely. I'm so happy for you. Mike and I also can't figure otu names for our girl!!!!! I'm so worried we're never going to come up with one! You look Soooo pretty in the random pics of you- love your hair. But I always love your hair. It has been fun catching up on your blog.