Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunshine and Pigtails

The last few days have been BEAUTIFUL outside. It is just what we needed after such a long long winter.

Claire let me put her hair in pigtails! I know it won't last long- she pulls EVERY thing out of her hair, but it sure is cute for a few minutes!!
Here is my belly at 15 weeks and 3 days.Yes, a reflection in the window is as good as it is getting right now ;) I thought it would grow bigger faster this time. No, it is still on the slow track. Anyway- I am very surprised with this baby. I can feel it kick a LOT! When ever I hold the girls against by belly I usually always feel it kicking and I always get freaked out and jump. It scares me every time. It just doesn't seem like I should be feeling that yet. I am scared for when this baby gets bigger... it may be a kicker!! Oh and I suppose I will answer the question every one asks "Do you want a boy this time?" Yes, we would like a boy this time, but I will be fine if it is a girl. We love girls and I wouldn't mind having more.


Kristen P. said...

We were supposed to go to the park today but it seems that if it is warm outside it is also windy. No, not breezy, blow your hair into knots windy. We didn't go.

Karen K. said...

I love the pic of Claire and her pigs. She is so cute. I just wanna hug/squeeze her. I'm glad you've had some good weather. We had some yesterday and it lifted my spirits immensely. Today it's gray and getting rainy again and my mood is following. It gets old doesn't it??? I can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or a girl. And it's crazy that you can feel him/her (maybe it's small twins!) kick. You look pretty darned little.

Sblogger said...

IT is so nice to have some sunshine! I'm glad that the baby is kicking! That is one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. Only a few more weeks till you know the gender! How exciting!

Blevins family of three said...

You look so cute! I can't wait to be prego again!

Natalie said...

Cute little piggies. I love feeling my baby right now. Can't wait to see you on Thursday.