Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tinker Bell Buns

Anyone who has a little girl may know that it is difficult to get them to want to do their hair every day. Who can blame them? I myself would rather not do my hair any day. In order to get Liv excited about hair we make up names for hair styles. This style is called "tinker bell buns".


April said...

I haven't checked blogs in a while!!! You sure keep busy. Your girls are sooo cute! You are really good at remembering to take pics! Soooo cute!

Britta said...

I'm shivering just looking at these last two posts. Has anyone informed Olivia that it's FREEZING outside?

Britta said...

p.s. Love the hair style names. That's totally cute. I didn't mean my last comment to sound negative, just cold. I'm shivering in a sweater right now, and I only live a couple miles from you.

Sarah Peterson said...

hahaa- well, we were inside with the heat on. And at that time the sun was shining through the windows- which is why I wanted to take pictures ;)

Dave & Melissa said...

What a clever idea to name her hair styles! I'll have to do that too. Ellie wants her hair done the same way every time and I'm tired of it. I need to come up with some fun ideas. I love Liv's Tinker bell buns, how CUTE!

Karen K. said...

That little one's smile is like a breath of fresh air. A grin comes to my face just looking at her. Thanks for sharing. I love the tinker bell buns. What other hairstyles do you have? You might take pictures of each one and make a blog post sometime... That'd be fun!

Amanda D said...

That is a good idea! I still get to strap Madyson in a high chair or entertain her and she doesn't know what's going on. Are there certain hair elastics you use? Madyson's always seem to get stuck in her hair and hurts when I pull it out.

Natalie said...

Cute. We love doing Tinkler Bell buns... now I'll have to start calling them that.

Yes, I thought it was silly and quite amazing that Hannah and Liv were the same thing for Halloween TWO years in a row... without us even talking about it! Must be alike... us or them?!


that is such a good idea to name the hair style fun names to get them excited! I will have to store that away in my memory. Such a cute pic.