Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Events

1- Christmas Eve- the girls opened new matching PJ's. Livie loves them- and has worn them 3 nights in a row! New pj's is a Cristmas tradition.
2- Liv got new bubble bath from Santa. She said "I think I am stinky. I need a bath!" All she really wanted was to try out her new bubbles! She made Claire beards, hats, and "tails" with her bubbles!
3- We finally got a sled. With all our snow and our hill behind our house it was about time!
4- Christmas Eve we made cookies and put them out for Santa. We even put out a carrot for the rein deer.


Dawn said...

Christmas jammies is a great tradition. Our kids FINALLY figured out that their christmas eve gift was Jammies yet again for the 7th year in a row. I am jealous of your snow. We should bring Lex over with her new sled and join you..... Glad you had a good Christmas.

Scott said...

So . . . who ate the carrot?

bp said...

Good point Scott - we should have put out 9 carrots instead of playing favorites. Not sure which reindeer got it.

Karen K. said...

Love the jammies
Love Claire's 'look' the holding hands pic
I wanna ride on the sled!
And I want a hug from Livie just like that. :)

Karen K. said...

Oh, and I can just imagine how "stinky" Olivia was. How cute. How, though, did she make "tails?" She looks so happy with her Claire creations.

Karen K. said...

That last comment made it sound as if I actually thought she smelled bed. NOT EVEN!

Scott said...

I figure that the "reindeer" probably just put the carrot in their fridge for later . . .

Britta said...

You just try to sneak in those naked barbies wherever you can, eh?