Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cards

Well- the Christmas cards are out.. If you did not recieve one it is because I either don't have your address, or it is not current! So- e-mail me at if you didn't get one! We don't want ANY one left out.. so really, e-mail me.
On a side note I was VERY upset at how DARK the darn photo Christmas card was. The picture just got SO dark when it was printed. I was mad, but didn't care TOO much to re-print, and I sent them anyway!!
Merry Christmas everyone!


Francisco J. Darquea said...

This picture is great! Love it.
I have a very good looking fam.

Scott said...

We got it! We love the picture!


Love the picture- and I we got ours- love it. You look so good in that picture! YOur hair looks amazing! I hope I look like you after babies, I don't know how you do it, am I going to have to stop eating treats?

Sarah Peterson said...

most definitely NOT Amy! I eat many many treats. I do work-out a lot a lot though. Thank you for the compliment- you are soo sweet ;)

Kristen P. said...

I think the card is great! I had the opposite problem with my cards. On my screen the photos looked bright but fine. The actualy cards are too light and washed out. Grr...but they were practically free with my pampers points so you'll just have to like it.