Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dates

A few weeks ago Brett and Olivia got to go to a ward Daddy Daughter Camp Out. They had lots of fun hiking and eating smores. Apparently Olivia was very shy and did not want to participate in any activities, but that is okay. They stayed up late telling stories and talking. Olivia has a fear of foreign toilets lately and therefore would NOT go pee. Brett brought the portable toilet but she was too scared to go in that in the tent. So, she held it. ALL night and half the morning. Finally she couldn't hold it any more and said she HAD to go. She filled the portable potty to its limit ;) Crazy girl! I'm glad she didn't go in her pants instead!
Brett and Livie plan to go on a date once a month from now on. Next they think they will go to Kangaroo Zoo- a jumping air-filled balloon place.


THE SHAWS said...

Haha! That's so cute! I do the saaaaame thing, so I TOTALLY understand Liv!

Karen K. said...

Well bless her little heart (or bladder!) I guess that proves that she's definitely potty-trained! I am so glad that Brett and Olivia are going to have a monthly Daddy-Daughter date. That is SO IMPORTANT! He is such a good Daddy. Oh, and she just looks so tiny behind her pillow. Her sweet smile just makes me want to hug her to pieces.

Jennifer Lomenick said...

How fun! I can't believe she held it all that time. Way to go Olivia. I am going to call or e-mail about pictures very soon. Maybe today?

Lanette said...

Campsite bathrooms are icky, but that's impressive willpower! I can't believe how grown up she is. Love the daddy-daughter date idea. That's an awesome tradition to start. :)