Monday, September 28, 2009

Confidence in ourselves

Brett showed me this video this morning. I really liked it. This made me wonder- where does confidence in our image/body come from? Can it come from perfect make-up, loosing weight, getting plastic surgery to fix our so called imperfections? Will it make us happy and "fix" a problem? No. Instead of trying to fit in to what the world calls beautiful, and focusing on our image maybe we should start to look inward. Confidence comes from within. Self esteem comes from within. I think it is easy to get trapped in to thinking we can 'buy' happiness, fix all our problems, and THEN we will be happy... Alas, as it turns out you can't ;( It is only temporary and true everlasting happiness only comes from one source. Our Lord.


Valerie said...

amazing! what a cool reality check. thanks for sharing!

Karen K. said...

Is that not the truth! Fascinating to watch what happens with the photo editing...

Emily D said...

Funny! i was just telling Francisco and Catherine about this commercial and was gonig to look it up for them! I saw it at work. but yeah, I think it's just amazing what we percieve as "beautiful"... ridiculous!

Dawn said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing. I think I will share with my kids :-)

Dave & Melissa said...

Wow.... My jaw dropped as I watched that. Thank you for sharing. It's interesting how even the gorgeous models aren't beutiful and perfect enough for society anymore....